Just looking at getting a satnav, has anyone got any recommendations as to the best? I'm finding mixed reviews on all of them.
Thanks for the replies! I don't really have a budget, just whichever is the all-round best one. I also don't want to use my phone as I don't trust it, I'm not even a fan of using it as a phone anymore haha.
The most popular is the tomtom rider 400, you got a budget?
Thanks guys, it seems I'm going for the Rider 5, doesn't sound very good with the 400.
Thanks guys, it seems I'm going for the Rider 5, doesn't sound very good with the 400.
New Scrambler full throttle picked up last night.
Got quite a few mods lined up. First and foremost. Remove that ghastly license plate holder. Loose the indicators, change the seat. Already has a full Termi, and its one of the nicest sounding bikes, i've heard.
Thanks guys, it seems I'm going for the Rider 5, doesn't sound very good with the 400.