Looking good!
It's near a year to the day I passed my CBT and got my 125, and just over a month away from the time it got stolen- so def by a chain + disc locks
Well, at least you'll never have to spend money on hi vis gear whilst you're riding that
I love the Dukes, but that's a bit too orange for me.
Any recommendations? Same with security in the garage?
It's quite rural where I am and its not a commuter so fingers crossed.
Yup, Almax + Squire is the only way to go. Pretty much every other "name brand" chain on the market is useless and can be bolt cropped in literally seconds.
I rewarded my faithful CBR600FS which I've had for 3 years now since getting my license by getting something Italian. I know these typically aren't ridden in winter but I couldn't resist today and should be fitting a rear carbon hugger later today.
Sounds quite fruity for stock cans too.
Yes it needs a clean!