*** Show us your Dogs ***

I just all these coats and stuff for dogs is madness. They have fur! I only ever use a coat on my dog when it’s freezing. He also doesn’t like the rain but he soon forgets 5 minutes into a walk.
I just all these coats and stuff for dogs is madness. They have fur! I only ever use a coat on my dog when it’s freezing. He also doesn’t like the rain but he soon forgets 5 minutes into a walk.
Depends what kind of coat the dog has - some are more waterproof than others - and the age of the dog because you don't want an elderly dog getting hypothermic. For my Cairne terrier rain is like water rolling off a duck's back but she's 16yrs old and needs keeping warm if possible. One of my Cockapoos has a fine coat and absorbs water like a sponge while the other has a coarse curly (more Poodle-like) coat and water doesn't saturate it quite as much so she's OK unless it's really pouring down. Your dog might look like it's shrugging off cold, wet weather but it may appreciate a little help - especially if getting on in years.
Why do dogs roll in poo? And especially fox poo?
Took Hope over the field for a throw about. Two catches and she makes a bee-line for a spot of ground, drops, and rolls. Now I have a wet dog that is covered in fox poo. The smell is divine. :(
Why do dogs roll in poo? And especially fox poo?
Took Hope over the field for a throw about. Two catches and she makes a bee-line for a spot of ground, drops, and rolls. Now I have a wet dog that is covered in fox poo. The smell is divine. :(
Haha! yes I have one that does that at every opportunity, while the other Cockapoo has never done it. Has to go in the bath with Fox Poo shampoo every time she does it. It can't be a species thing or they would both do it but the one that does is a particularly nervous animal and generally feels insecure. I figure fo rmine maybe she is trying to hide her scent?
After my beloved best pal Willo passed away a month ago on his 11th birthday :(


Decided the time was right to get a new doggo, meet Harper the ditzy Patterdale :)

Forgot how much of a handful these little rascals can be :D

Why do dogs roll in poo? And especially fox poo?
Took Hope over the field for a throw about. Two catches and she makes a bee-line for a spot of ground, drops, and rolls. Now I have a wet dog that is covered in fox poo. The smell is divine. :(

Basically no one really knows, Google it and you'll find various theories. Why do some women spray themselves with scent, why do some human males copy this trait?

I think the honest answer is, "They just do" :)
After my beloved best pal Willo passed away a month ago on his 11th birthday :(


Decided the time was right to get a new doggo, meet Harper the ditzy Patterdale :)

Forgot how much of a handful these little rascals can be :D


Sorry to hear of Willo's death, but the Patterdale looks like he could be another engaging chap. Rats and oher small critters beware!
Why do dogs roll in poo? And especially fox poo?
Took Hope over the field for a throw about. Two catches and she makes a bee-line for a spot of ground, drops, and rolls. Now I have a wet dog that is covered in fox poo. The smell is divine. :(
Dog's are sort of aware that other animals can smell their sent so in order to mask it they roll around in other animals poo. Foxes are pretty common sight so plenty of opportunities for your dog roll around in it.
Why do dogs roll in poo? And especially fox poo?
Took Hope over the field for a throw about. Two catches and she makes a bee-line for a spot of ground, drops, and rolls. Now I have a wet dog that is covered in fox poo. The smell is divine. :(
I must admit I was dreading our Vizsla doing this as they seem to love it as a breed, but hasn't in the year we've had him. Though last weekend on a nice long cross-country walk he decided to roll in a surprisingly fresh cow pat as I was bending down to pick him up and lift him over a stile... Luckily (for me, he protested) there was a small stream the other side so he got washed off straight away. Muppet then got a bolt from an electric fence 50m down the next field :cry:
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