Show us your kitty cats

Following on from the 'cat in the sink' photo - here is where we found Sam the other day:


After I extracted him from the toilet, I discovered a cotton bud down there, no idea how it got there but he's obsessed with cotton buds and was trying to get to it. (Thank goodness I'd cleaned toilet that morning - will keep lid down from now on!)

And my little lovelies were having a brother/sister snuggle tonight:

Following on from the 'cat in the sink' photo - here is where we found Sam the other day:

After I extracted him from the toilet, I discovered a cotton bud down there, no idea how it got there but he's obsessed with cotton buds and was trying to get to it. (Thank goodness I'd cleaned toilet that morning - will keep lid down from now on!)


He looks like he's going to fishing for it. :D
My Egyptian Mau was obsessed with the toilet when he was a kitten. I tried my best to keep him out of there (I always keep the lid closed), but one day, he managed to get in and got soaked. That day I bathed him and he didn't like it one bit.

Ever since that day, he never attempted to take another dip.

Its disgusting when cats hover in the toilet area, given that there is urine and faeces as well as chemicals such as bleach which may have been sprayed onto the bowl. (Remember, no matter how much you clean the bowl, there will always be urine and faecal matter).

I can't understand how people allow their pets to go in the toilet's filthy!



Not technically mine, its my mothers cat, but still he's brilliant.
Harley, he's a 10 month old snow bengal, i've never been a massive cat lover, but he has totally brought me over to the dark side, never seen a cat with so much personality.
My Egyptian Mau was obsessed with the toilet when he was a kitten. I tried my best to keep him out of there (I always keep the lid closed), but one day, he managed to get in and got soaked. That day I bathed him and he didn't like it one bit.

Ever since that day, he never attempted to take another dip.

Its disgusting when cats hover in the toilet area, given that there is urine and faeces as well as chemicals such as bleach which may have been sprayed onto the bowl. (Remember, no matter how much you clean the bowl, there will always be urine and faecal matter).

I can't understand how people allow their pets to go in the toilet's filthy!

OK, if you're having a dig at me there, then please understand, I didn't LET him go in the toilet bowl, it was where I found him. Get down off your soapbox.
Keira a rescue cat we took in a few months ago.

She is still a bit nervous but she now comes for snuggles, and loves to lay on my arm whilst i'm trying to use the laptop.

My mothers cat - sparky who we took in as she isn't allowed pets where she lives now.
Not all cats do kneading.
There are a couple of theories as to why they do it.

The first is that it's an action from when they were kittens, they would knead around their mother's nipple for milk.
However the slightly more popular one is that it dates back to when cats where wild and they kneaded down the group before lying down.
You'll notice quite often after a kneading session the cat either sits or lies down.
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