Just been scanning a few of my old photos from around 1986 -1989,
We had a feral cat problem from smallholding down lane and there were at least 30 cats - None were looked after except for bowls of milk so I built a cage and fed them then one day pulled door shut - Took them all to local RSPCA - I missed this one and I think she was queen of pack because she let all the others feed first
So we fed her - she wasn't a pretty cat - bit bashed about - got trod on by cow and back leg was going in all directions but had a lovely temperament - gentle but wouldn't let us touch her.
She brought two kittens to us but one had cat flu and the other grew up well but then had cancer of blood.
After two years we were sitting by pond and she just came up and rubbed up wife leg then came to me and that was start of good relationship - she came in but always had to leave door open.
One day her kitten now grown up came in and raced up stairs - we shot out and Old Mom as we called her was on lawn struggling to move - I ran out into lane and saw a couple with a Lab off lead - it had been in garden and grabbed her and shook her and broke her back - After having a few quiet words with them it was muzzeled and on a lead after that - We had to have her put down - So she was our first cat. The garden then had a sprinkling of 3/4" x 3ft steel bars stuck in ground ready
After Mon and her cat had gone we got two kittens from car dealer next door - Tiggy and Pops - Pops is dark one and was a superb hunter.
Tiggy had a weasel - I heard row and she had dropped it in dining room - did you know they smell worse than Tom cats - took over an hour to catch it.- I think it must have run it to Tiggy's mouth.
This was my boy - he used to live down road but I fed him better.
Winky (one ear) or Winks for short - I could do anything with him and he never once put his claws out.
This rabbit he pinched off Pops - I took it off him - threw it down garden and just like a dog he raced and fetched it back.
Tiggy and Pops lived till 18 and Winks was killed instantly outside just after I let him out - Felt guilty for months.