Show us your kitty cats

Millie in her role of overseer of all DIY works. I am currently working on a door.

This is Ronnie in the recovery position. - He had a traumatic morning. - He had to move back a bit as it's quite hot by fire.


The other morning I opened back door and there was a dead baby rabbit - then two day's later opened door to let him in and he shot in with something in his mouth - Turned out to be back legs of a baby rabbit so put him outside where he then devoured rest of rabbit - Saturday he was scratching his ears and saw little black dot's in them so stuck my fingers in his ears and pulled one out - A Flea!!!!!! - all told got 4 or 5 fleas out -

He was fast asleep on chair this morning when I snuck up on him - picked him up and before he woke up properly he was in cat box. - I don't think he liked the car trip - He was good as gold with Vet who gave him a full going over - checked his ears and did a flea test with sticky wet paper and only found one bit that could have been flea poo but no fleas.

Came out to a bill of £75 - £31 for Vet and rest for 6 pipettes of flea liquid (half for other cat Holly) and worm tablet.

So can anyone reccommend any other flea treatment that works but doesn't cost arm and leg - Vet's have certainly got you over a barrel.

flea treatments are expensive unfortunately. not sure i would have paid a vet to figure that out ;)

you could try the spot on treatments, avoid frontline as you may as well use water.

your boy looks quite fluffy, we had trouble with spot on absorbing through floyds (see fluff bag above) base fur. we've ended up on tablets as spot ons just didnt work.
flea treatments are expensive unfortunately. not sure i would have paid a vet to figure that out ;)

you could try the spot on treatments, avoid frontline as you may as well use water.

your boy looks quite fluffy, we had trouble with spot on absorbing through floyds (see fluff bag above) base fur. we've ended up on tablets as spot ons just didnt work.

What tablets do you suggest as although I use a spot on treatment my cat is really heavy furred so application can be tricky?
What tablets do you suggest as although I use a spot on treatment my cat is really heavy furred so application can be tricky?

ours are on comfortis, one tab every month. £40 for 6 tabs. your vet should be able to advise :)

i would say though, dont just run one course. you really need to keep flea treatment going all the time. our two are indoor cats and they still got them somehow :rolleyes:

e: i see comfortis is much cheaper online, i would advise at least calling your vet before giving your animal medication :)
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We have only had Ronnie about 18 month's - he was originally over the road and took the fleas as opportunity to take him to Vet for checkup which we have never done -

The Vet gave (sold us) us Frontline which we have to put on his neck - - Ronnie is short haired and being as Vet checked him out I can't see it being a problem spotting back of his neck. - The Vet did say do it every 6 weeks so that's three each cat.

By way the fleas came from rabbit's - First time in 25 years we have had a cat with fleas. - Our two other cat's we had for 18 years and lived in country never caught fleas but caught everything else that moved.

Frontline success rate I am sure is regional, we have used it for 7 years and never had a flea. There are also two different versions, the over the counter and the prescription version.
we had the frontline from the vet and it was useless. parents also say the same and they live 30 miles away.

theres some research that suggests that fleas are becoming genetically resistant to fipronil, the ingredient in frontline.
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Frontline is useless here too. Still kept finding fleas on our two babies. We went with Effipro next but that seemed to be less effective after a couple of years. They are now on Advantage which seems to be working for the time being.
Thanks for the replies - this is our first experience with flea control in 25 yrs.

The Vet prescribed Frontline Combo Spot-on cat Fipronil 10% w/v ++ (S) -methoprene 12% w/v.

Inside package it says
Fipronil 50.00 mg
(S) - methoprene 60.00 mg
Butythydroxyanisole (E320) 0.10mg
Butythydroxytoluene (E321) 0.05mg
Excipient, q.s. 0.5ml

Poor old soul is still crashed out in front of fire - he is probably stringing it out for sympathy - he will be kicked out in an hour - as far as we know he isn't house trained - but he was locked in garage from 3.00 in afternoon till 9.00 next morning and found no sign's of him going to loo.

Thanks for the replies - this is our first experience with flea control in 25 yrs.

The Vet prescribed Frontline Combo Spot-on cat Fipronil 10% w/v ++ (S) -methoprene 12% w/v.

Inside package it says
Fipronil 50.00 mg
(S) - methoprene 60.00 mg
Butythydroxyanisole (E320) 0.10mg
Butythydroxytoluene (E321) 0.05mg
Excipient, q.s. 0.5ml

Poor old soul is still crashed out in front of fire - he is probably stringing it out for sympathy - he will be kicked out in an hour - as far as we know he isn't house trained - but he was locked in garage from 3.00 in afternoon till 9.00 next morning and found no sign's of him going to loo.


Advantage flea control. it is renowned as the best non-prescription treatment. We always use it since it cleared our moderate problem up in days. Failing this medication, use Advocate.

Remember you also need to remove them from your home. To do this I highly recommend Acclaim insecticide as well as thoroughly hoovering your house several times. By thoroughly I mean along all carpet edges, sofa seams, joins, anywhere the cat frequents. You also need to put bedding (yours and cats), pillow cases, rugs, etc, through the wash.

Good luck :p
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Advantage flea control. it is renowned as the best non-prescription treatment. We always use it since it cleared our moderate problem up in days. Failing this medication, use Advocate.

Remember you also need to remove them from your home. To do this I highly recommend Acclaim insecticide as well as thoroughly hoovering your house several times. By thoroughly I mean along all carpet edges, sofa seams, joins, anywhere the cat frequents. You also need to put bedding (yours and cats), pillow cases, rugs, etc, through the wash.

Good luck :p

Think I shall need it
Up till now we have been feeding our cats with most major brand cat food - after looking what is in them I have looked around for something more palatable -
After a bit of googling I came up with this and ordered a few packs

Animonda Carny 200g tins - The cats seem to like it and main thing is they don't wolf it down like supermarket stuff - It seems to fill them up quicker so these tins go that much further.

Reading some of the feedback (If you believe it) most say their cats look better for it.

Has anyone else tried it or can you recommend something else ?

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