Show us your kitty cats

Unfortunately I think it's a case of domestic cats have been taught by humans to play with their prey, and as they have no real need to eat it to survive they just cause it around for a bit.

(realise that's not always the case, I've stepped on enough half eaten mice in the dark of night over the years)
Cats in the wild play with their food too.
Here is my cat.

Cassy the ragdoll.



Yep. I have two :)

Very vocal, very affectionate. Unique look about them. Love them to bits. :D

Nice we have 2 ragdolls as well, one called parker who is 15 years of age and not animal years you know and he is on his way out i'm afraid, not eating as is like a bag of bones.

The other one called cassy is a lot younger and i do not know her age but i know she is young.
Here is a pic of Goggles from today. She has been dashing about the place like a loon, I think because it's windy. She was taking a break, and looking really impressed at having the camera shoved in her face:


Bless her, she died this year at the grand old age of 18. Having lost our dog this year too, the house was just too quiet so we've adopted these two idiots:





I've never had a kitten before, wow I was so underprepared but they are certainly keeping me from dwelling on things!
Sorry to hear about the passing of the furry friends :( Never easy to see a companion go, especially if you've grown up with them.

Give it a few months then have great fun going to get a new friend from the shelter :)
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