Show us your kitty cats

Our kittens tail is always very hooked, more so than any other cat I've seen, it doesn't seem broken and seems to have full movement.

Will this resolve itself as she grows?

Best to get a vet to check it out.
Rescue cat we're temporarily looking after for Cat's Protection turned out to not just be "a little bit podgy"...


Jealous! Some nice coloured kittens she has had!
With regards to earlier posts things are starting to improve all the time between my male cat and new female kitten.

However we are now almost certain this mounting behaviour he is displaying with the kitten is sexual agression as we decided to check if he was becoming aroused after an episode yesterday and saw that he was.

Even though he is nutered apparently they can still get urges and although we will be getting her spayed when she is old enough this apparently doesn't always fix the issue.

We have heard using pheromone such as boar mate works with this as its to do with making her smell male so he won't be attracted to her. Has anyone ever heard of this/tried it?
Never heard of this and I belong to several cat groups on FB, sad I know.
I would wait until the bitch has been spayed to see if that resolves the issue before trying this boar mate stuff.
Never heard of this and I belong to several cat groups on FB, sad I know.
I would wait until the bitch has been spayed to see if that resolves the issue before trying this boar mate stuff.

Thanks for your reply, we will do this hoping to get her done in September when she's 5 months as this is the earliest our vet will do it.
One of our cats has taken to regularly defacating on the kitchen floor. Regardless of the litter box condition. He does it right next to it as well :/

At first we thought we had left the box too long without changing (for the record we remove poos every morning before work) and put it down to being a one off. But it's now happening several times a week. He always does it in the same spot. It's normally overnight as well.

My suspicion is when we shut them in the kitchen overnight is that as it's been windy recently it's banging the blinds on the kitchen balcony door and it's freaking him out and causing him to poo out of frustration. When we get up at 6am we hear them meowing at the kitchen door and clawing trying to open it. We know in general they do not like shut doors even during the day when we're around.

Any suggestions on what to do? Unfortunately I cannot sleep with 2 cats climbing over me so having them with us in the bedroom overnight is a no go.
One of our cats has taken to regularly defacating on the kitchen floor. Regardless of the litter box condition. He does it right next to it as well :/

At first we thought we had left the box too long without changing (for the record we remove poos every morning before work) and put it down to being a one off. But it's now happening several times a week. He always does it in the same spot. It's normally overnight as well.

My suspicion is when we shut them in the kitchen overnight is that as it's been windy recently it's banging the blinds on the kitchen balcony door and it's freaking him out and causing him to poo out of frustration. When we get up at 6am we hear them meowing at the kitchen door and clawing trying to open it. We know in general they do not like shut doors even during the day when we're around.

Any suggestions on what to do? Unfortunately I cannot sleep with 2 cats climbing over me so having them with us in the bedroom overnight is a no go.
Yeah if I've learned anything from that Jackson Galaxy bloke it's that stress will cause them to **** outside the litter box. Like you said, something is freaking him out. Being shut in the kitchen when he's used to being allowed to roam around the house would probably do it.

Why are you shutting him in the kitchen overnight?
Yeah if I've learned anything from that Jackson Galaxy bloke it's that stress will cause them to **** outside the litter box. Like you said, something is freaking him out. Being shut in the kitchen when he's used to being allowed to roam around the house would probably do it.

Why are you shutting him in the kitchen overnight?
Because if we don't they're at the bedroom door clawing it and crying until they're let in, and as I mentioned, I just do not sleep when they're in the same room. When they're older they will settle down more and it'll be fine but right now if they're in the room one of them is always up to mischief of some description and I am a terrible sleeper as it is. So it just doesn't work without me getting fed up around 3am then putting them back in the kitchen.

If there was a way to let them out but stop them from getting to the bedroom door, I'd be happy to do it. Right now we're in an apartment so the one hallway links everything.
One of our boys will poo on the lino next to the tray if it's not clean enough to eat your dinner off.

If you hear him digging the lino and say his name he'll get in the tray. Maybe he's just being a **** :D
Sounds like you will have to put up with the poo mess then. I too am a really bad sleeper in fact I have several sleep disorders and can understand where you are coming from. But unfortunately there is no middle ground here. If you are going to restrict your cats at night they are not going to like it.

My Millie is a good bit older and obviously did not read the bit of the cat manual which mentions that cats are not nocturnal as she was/is back and forth through the cat flap all night and to be honest these things are really poorly designed as they are very noisy.

I stripped mine down to see if i could sound proof it a bit. It is all extruded plastic on extruded plastic with no thought given to the noise that the door will make and my one from Sureflap was over £100. As it happened a bit of heatshrink on the plastic door hinges a bit of vaseline gel and now it is silent. I am not disturbed as much.
Just discussing this with my wife about the stress thing. We think we know which one it is as one of them is much more jumpy than the other. We're going to try closing off as much of the apartment as possible to reduce the noise. We have been leaving the balcony door open overnight of late due to the heat so we will try keeping it shut and closing the blind as securely as possible to see if it helps.

Cat tax just because...


The suspected offending individual! :D

Next year we're hopefully moving to a house, so he'll have a catflap to come and go as he pleases then and more space to roam at night if he needs it.

As you guys say, difficult as there isn't a middle ground here...
An update. We got home yesterday to find poo on the floor. Again in the same place, and we know the weather was dead calm yesterday and last night (again after finding poo this morning) - So that is now twice in 24hrs. I believe the weather isn't spooking one of them now. I think it's being apart from us, I think they're freaking out and driving themselves scared. These two love attention, to the point where you really can't give them enough.

Discussing this with le wife, our current plan is to buy lots of fresh toys, specifically ones with catnip in and give them the catnip ones before we head out. Hopefully these will act as not only a good distraction but help calm both of them down to try and help this problem.
An update. We got home yesterday to find poo on the floor. Again in the same place, and we know the weather was dead calm yesterday and last night (again after finding poo this morning) - So that is now twice in 24hrs. I believe the weather isn't spooking one of them now. I think it's being apart from us, I think they're freaking out and driving themselves scared. These two love attention, to the point where you really can't give them enough.

Discussing this with le wife, our current plan is to buy lots of fresh toys, specifically ones with catnip in and give them the catnip ones before we head out. Hopefully these will act as not only a good distraction but help calm both of them down to try and help this problem.

This might not seem obvious but cats can be really fussy about the type of litter. Before my Millie went out to do her business I had to try several different types of litter before she was comfortable about using it. Also the litter may not be deep enough or the box is too small. I am assuming that they have their own boxes as cats can be really iffy about using another cats toilet area.

There are many reasons for cats not pooping in their box and whereas what you suggest is a possibility the fact that they have the company of each other makes me feel that this is unlikely though of course not certain. Toys are good especially activity toys.
They share a box, but they have done ever since day one. They're very insperable. If you shut one in one room the other will go nuts until they're with each other again. To find both you only need to find one kind of thing. And when we're here and around it never happens, they both go in the same box and the litter hasn't been changed to a different one recently. We use those crystal style ones.

Its interesting thoughts though. I think it will have to be a process of elimination. Going to buy them a new bed as well, just because :)
i stopped buying beds as they were a total waste of money. Millie currently has a wide choice.
Floating shelf.

Private Garden.

Top of wardrobe.

Unused desk also used as staging post to wardrobe.

Computer desk drawers removed and covered in carpeting.

Bottom of wardrobe.

Bottom of DIY cupboard.

And very occasionally the sofa.

The beds i have bought have all been sold on as she never ever slept in one.
Our two love beds but they normally get so full of hair after a while they just need to go. But I've always bought dog beds as I've found my cats don't like cat beds...yes...these weirdos.
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