RIP Winnie, what a great looking cat.
A beautiful cat. RIP.This is our cat Winnie, a 12 year old Persian (13 next month).
He stopped eating middle of the week at some point and was sleeping all the time.
We took him to the vets this morning as he was walking shakely and couldn't lay down. They found a tumor the size of a tennis ball attached to his pancreas. They said he had hours to live and not days.
To say this knocked us of our feet is an understatement. He's never been ill, to go downhill this quickly has shocked as and I can't get over it.
He was put to sleep this afternoon.
Am absolutely devastated, never felt so upset by losing a pet before. He was a larger than life character, acted like a kitten right up to his last few days, such a personality. He'll be sorely missed.
Rest easy Winnie X
I’d like to show you, but dummy that I am, I still haven’t tried to master Imgur.
We’re looking after my kid’s Bengal for a couple of weeks, and I opened the fridge door to seek some chilled mango juice, and she stood up on her back paws, and put the front two on a fridge shelf to peer inside, I snapped a quick shot and WhatsApped it to my kid, with the text, “Grandpa Jean keeps his vodka in this big black box, wonder if there’s any chicken or tuna?”
Click on your picture within Imgur and an edit popup appears with your picture enlarged.
Click on the size you want (I start with huge thumbnail) and then click on copy (next to BBCode).
Within your OCUK post click on the image icon and paste your copied code form Imgur.
Preview it to make sure you're happy with the size of the image, then post.
Yep got 2 bowls and 2 fountains...Its not good for their kidneys, make sure theres water available at all times
Beautiful! But don't feed her after midnight or allow her to get wet.
Is anyone else's cat strictly on a dry food diet?
I have 3 cats, 2 of them love wet food but one won't touch it. I have tried every possible flavor, brand and texture. He will only eat kibble.
Should I be worried?
Is anyone else's cat strictly on a dry food diet?
I have 3 cats, 2 of them love wet food but one won't touch it. I have tried every possible flavor, brand and texture. He will only eat kibble.
Should I be worried?