Show us your kitty cats

Here are our two.


Cool markings :D
I cant beat it but Murray once brought in a whole chicken breast that was still warm. No idea where he got it from but it was very fresh lol.
Steve! had him for 11 years since he was 1. loves hunting, sometimes leaves rabbits for me in the back hall which look untouched but occasionally he rips the head off and scatters the innards around.:D

He also loves cheese.


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So, has anyone ever eaten anything their cat brought home - whether human food or larger prey.

Our neighbours once brought home a pheasant - since they were vegetarian, they gave it to us. Absolutely lovely not having to pick the lead shot out of the thing.
One of mine once brought back a Guinea Pig. I thought it was quite funny at the time. Probably not so amusing to the owner of said Guinea Pig... watching my cat gleefully snatching it up and running off with it.

haha! :D

(My condolences to the Guinea Pig owners!)
Steve! had him for 11 years since he was 1. loves hunting, sometimes leaves rabbits for me in the back hall which look untouched but occasionally he rips the head off and scatters the innards around.:D

He also loves cheese.


Our cat is almost identical, smaller white bit on his collar though. He likes cheese too, and goes mad for the wife's Veg Lasagne ! :D
I cant beat it but Murray once brought in a whole chicken breast that was still warm. No idea where he got it from but it was very fresh lol.

If you could just get him into plasma TVs and bluray players instead, it could turn into quite a money spinner!!!
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