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Why do your insurance need to know you've paid less? They only ask for an estimated value or market value, not their business if you paid below market value.

If I had paid £7500 for a £10000 car, the insurance would still be getting told the value is £10000
I've an ongoing claim (write off) for a car I bought 2 months ago for £15,000. They wanted to pay out £11500. After a bit of arguing with them I've told them it's not possible to place me back on the road in the same model/year/mileage/condition car and so I want a lot more than their initial offer of £11500. The claimhandler referred it to a senior team to re-evaluate the value etc etc to which I'm waiting to hear back from (though will chase up again tomorrow)

I just thought that if I then go and change my policy to a £10-£11,000 different model/year car then they might be less inclined to pay what I was hoping for.
They will go with the market value of the car you lost, which is probably going to be less than you actually paid if you bought it from a dealer (they aren't going to care what you have managed to buy in the meantime). This is why they try to sell you GAP insurance, which I could heap a lot of criticism on ...but in the case of where you buy a car of sufficient value and it's written off so quickly leaving you thousands out of pocket ...then it is actually worth something.
Alright, just didn't want to give them any excuse for trying to pay less especially when one of my arguments were that I could not afford to be placed in the same vehicle with the money they wanted to pay out.

I thought GAP was for financed vehicles / new vehicles - learn something new every day!

Private <-> Dealer prices aren't incredibly different for the car that was written off. There are none for sale at what they offered though, if there is then there's something wrong with it. (2008 Subaru WRX STI hatch, 25k miles)

The thread on it is here anyway.
It's usually used with financed vehicles and new vehicles yes but you can use it for cars that are a few years old you buy for cash, it just guarantees the invoice value of the vehicle for x amount of time should something happen to it.
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You've not been placed in the same vehicle though?

If you wanted to buy a £500 mk1 mondeo and the rest on haribo then you could. The argument about not being able to buy the same car for that price is still valid
Potato cam

No. it's not. It's a petrol, so to get in the digs before everyone else, the engine is made in the Ford factory in Valencia but to a ECU map designed by Jaguar. yes, the same basic engine is used in a Mondeo and a Focus ST and even a Galaxy. But I don't believe it is mapped to 240hp in any of those.

How much? It's on a PCP so I paid around £4K deposit, the annual mileage is limited to 8000 and the monthly payments just over £500, with a £12k minimum guaranteed value of 12K after four years. I got around 8% of list and have had it now since July. I love it and find myself making excuses to use it. The phone app is also really good allowing me to see all my journeys, the routes I took, the average speed and MPG. Best I've had was a 145 mile journey at 45.1 mpg with an average speed of approx 70mph ;)
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The black contrasting with the light interior looks good, as far as I can tell from the outside at least.

Shame about the alloys, I don't think that suit the style of the car.
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