I wouldn't let DSG worries niggle, first of all I know that you are mechanically capable, secondly the costs involved in fixing an early (02E/DQ250 6-speed wet clutch) aren't as bad as the horror stories make out. So long as you keep on top of the oil changes (not difficult, especially if you go for the top-fill method through the filter inlet - which will come in around £80 for the oil, filter and seals) then you tend to avert most problems which are caused by friction material tainting the oil (this is why later boxes separate the oils used by the clutch and the mechantronic, rather than a single volume). Even if you end up with mechatronic issues, then a rebuild from someone like ECUTesting is only a couple of hundred quid if you remove and fit the mechatronic yourself. Clutch packs are more expensive, but then not massively moreso than say a modern clutch and DMF change would cost.
Incidentally the DSG problem I suffered at Curborough was at the hand of a worn clutch pack. I sent it to a nearby transmission specialist for £800 all in (incl oils, filters, seals, clutch pack, labour).
Sure £800 is a pretty penny, but if you just put your expected warranty costs aside per month then you'll be more than covered. I don't envisage you having multiple problems with the DSG, especially given your car's mileage. Mine was (looking at the service history) on it's original clutch pack at 117,000 miles.