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Oh hi there :p



Decent afternoon out with the beer garden/car show vibe. Plenty of people having a look, I should have put a sign on it stating the 272,800 miles it’s done. :cool:



How'd you end up running it to the moon and back? CM always looks like great crack. Is it a bit clique'y though?
Had it 12 years doing like 16k a year commuting, bought on 115k I think. Seems more fun blasting around now, it’s almost come of age with the surge of EVs etc. With bonkers this and there, there’s a simple elegance to it, the IPACE looks fussy parked next to it but that’s the problem with huge cars today.

I heard someone today say “is it hydrogen” and my mate (the one who bought the tickets then challenged me to get it on the road) heard someone say “that’s the rarest car here today” :cool:

It was okay, not quite the usual chats around cars as people tend to be in their own groups etc. Some interesting stuff in the main car park away from the main area, I was chuffed when they asked me to go back round to park in the tree area :cry::p must be turning over some serious revenue!

Did 75 miles today including into Leamington to get my friend and returned 69.1 mpg.
So I bought this for a laugh; I've always wanted an LS400 and I wanted to own a V8 before they all go away. Everything works that I've tried: Sat Nav, Auto Lights, Air Con, Pulsating Mirrors - I'm not sure what else it's got but I'm sure I'll discover more. It drives superbly so I'm happy it's lived up to the expectation of dull Japanese refinement. My previous car was a DC2 so it's somewhat at the opposite end of the spectrum.

Parked in it's second parking space, hohoho-V8-banter-hohoho

It's so unapologetically 90's on the inside, I love it.

Very very cool.

How much did that set you back interest?

Edit... Oh £4k. What a deal that was. Congrats.
Sorry, I just couldn't bring myself to give you the requested THREE Mars bars AND a Twix.

The Twix... that totally takes it over the edge. What cheek! If it was a Twirl? Maybe...

Sigh, now I want a Fuse. Do they even make those anymore? I can't remember when I last saw them.

(It is nice though Grudas :D).
What sort of driving is that though?

It definitely has a bit of almost retro-futuristic coolness about it now.

Good urban sections aswell as motorway where I was suprised just how happy it was in lean burn so sits 70-74mph pegged at 100mpg for a couple of mins between each NOx purge.

It’s life time average is 66.9mpg afterall which is pretty incredible when it’s been used for everything in the past, including shorts runs for various kid pick ups or just going to football or the gym etc.
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