I don't think they suit anything, MV2's are my least favourite E46 wheel.I don't think they suit the pre facelift tbh!
What do you think... yay or nay
The wheels I like
Buy 18" Wider Rear VEEMANN VC359 Hyper Silver Alloy Wheels - Wheelbase (wheelbasealloys.com)
How similar-but-not-that-similar-at-all wheels look like on a similar car
My car (orient blue 17 years ago).
I would ask on the E46 Facebook group but all the requests are mostly "what gainz do I get if I remap my 320d"
Over time most alloys do become in need of proper refurbs due to the way the material eventually develops small flaws. Personally I would just buy a new set of decent alloys as you can get some for around £600-700 plus throw another £50 at a friendly tyre fitter to move your tyres across.Hmm the place that is quoting to do the refurb can't give me any assurances that refurbing the wheels will actually stop the air leaking due to the micro/ fine cracking on the wheels themselves. I was just going to get them refurbed (at half the cost of new wheels) but if it isn't actually going to fix the problem then I am a bit stuck
Over time most alloys do become in need of proper refurbs due to the way the material eventually develops small flaws. Personally I would just buy a new set of decent alloys as you can get some for around £600-700 plus throw another £50 at a friendly tyre fitter to move your tyres across.
Proper alloy refurbs (where they put it on a milling machine to smooth it) cost about 2/3 of new so new might be the best option. Best quotes I have seen for proper refurbs (not just respraying which you can DIY with K2 or Plastidip for around £70!) are around £150-200 per alloy!!
please tell me yours is the red one, i like that
The V40 is the C30 replacement.It's a shame Volvo discontinued the C30, I'd really like to have seen what they could've done with it with their current design language.