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Thought I had posted in here before, but nope.

Had the VTR about 18 months now :eek:


Standard apart from:

Green "forced" induction system
Supersprint mid section, piper 3.5" backbox
Delocked, cat1 system (with window winders :D)
Alpine 9812 HU, boston comps, 4 channel kenwood amp, small pioneer sub
Eagle f1's all round :cool:
Where are you from Stoned ? I see a Pulsar that looks identical to that everyday on the industrial estate where i work. Thinking it could be the same one !
lol sarcastic git :D

Is yours completely standard then ? (externally)
I thought the small bonnet vent and extra large exhaust were addons etc..
Vents, spoilers etc are all compleatly standard. They are road going rally cars like the Escort Cosworths etc. The large exhaust is my addition lol, freeflowing and extreemly loud :D
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