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Fitted my wideband gauge today. Really need to sort out a proper pod for them on my spare A-pillar trim. (stack boost gauge, knock LED and AEM uego wideband) Also got the car connected to my laptop via canbus for live mapping and data logging. Been trying to improve boost control and sort out ignition timings. All fine tuning of the stage 3 map that is already on the ECU. (all in readiness for Castle Combe next saturday)

Current logging. (AFR didn't import into logworks for some reason, running 11.76 at WOT. Big boost spike that i'm working to iron out)

The car.
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RIGHT! That front wheel has its tyre obscured by the curb, which leads me to believe it is flat on the road, next to the curb.

The back wheel has no tyre obscured because the car is parked with that wheel on top of the curb :)
Its a dropped kerb.

Rear wheel is parked in front of the dropped part, so appears "on top" of the kerb.

Front wheel is parked next to a kerb that isn't dropped so appears "behind" the kerb.

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