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Picked this up on Thur:

Wheres the stick on tat?

Sporting alloys from a MK2B and that will look fine for a first motor, the skirts are a nice bonus I think :)

Except they're Abarth skirts and the car isn't.

Still, could get the set and some better wheels and it will look a lot better, no power to boot but first car an all.
you're doing it wrong!

learn to drive - pass - check insurance prices - see if you can afford - get car..
Well at the price i got it for if i don't get cheaper insurance then i can sell at a nice profit.
Nice stick on tat, and halfrauds wheel trims.

P.S. What Grudas said...
Stick on tat?

The wheel trims are so i dont scrape the alloys when i am learning in it....

Except they're Abarth skirts and the car isn't.

Still, could get the set and some better wheels and it will look a lot better, no power to boot but first car an all.
Well it makes it look nicer at least.

No power? its not that bad. Again considering price/my age/insurance for this car never mind a more powerful one it is a good car.
Did you clip the trims onto the alloys? :confused:

Not a bad first car. I like the look of the Punto. Just the engine is POS.
Took the alloys/tyres off, replace with 4 tyres and wheel trims from the garage?

Well i have been driving it around and i think its pretty good tbh. a lot better to drive then my other cars.
The engine is OK if you look after it. It's very smooth and brilliant on fuel. Just slow.

Just need to make sure you let it warm up thoroughly before giving it any beans as the head gaskets are prone to failing.
Cheers for the tip mate, it has so far been nice and smooth like you say and i cant wait to get driving it on legal roads!
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