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better piccy this time, only a gtst but quick enough for the time being

currently 320bhp and untill i find some more money 320 it stays
My Fiesta 1.8 Diesel, 1st car :)

Pic of my new car......


....pretty much the same as my old car you may think..... ;)

....well, it is - except this one is having a 3.0 ltr V6 installed to replaced its broke old turbo engine.. :D

Should be all done by the end of the month.....
2 of the bike after i gave it a quick clean the other day, since then i have polished the wheels up and the paintwork is absolutely mint now :) These were taken just after a quick shampoo and rinse.


luke is that quite a fast bike and how old are you? Its just because i desperately want a motorbike but am too young, just want to know how many more years i have to suffer.
Andy Pandy said:
luke is that quite a fast bike and how old are you? Its just because i desperately want a motorbike but am too young, just want to know how many more years i have to suffer.

you could ride that at 17, restricted to 33bhp though :)
Andy Pandy said:
!!! so i take my cbt at 17, then pass test if i have money, then can ride any bike restricted to 33 bhp. Oh please be that way :D

Thats exactly correct mate yes :)

To the guy who said they thought it would be a banger.....LOL :D

mad_allan said:
IIRC he is 18
You are correct, i did own this bike when I was 17 too.

Andy Pandy said:
luke is that quite a fast bike.....
Oh well you know, gets me from A to B :p
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ShiWarrior said:
3Ltr V6? wtf from ?good luck with it! :)

Its actually a toyota engine (a 3vz-fe) as used in the toyota camry. It actual fits into the mr2 engine bay nicely without the need for any cutting etc.... Well, the mk2 anyway.. :D
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Just thought I'd post a few updated pics now i've got a few things sorted with it, its gone from this :

To this:



Also fitted these a few weeks ago:


Mods So Far:
  • Fully Colourcoded
  • RenaultSport Front Grille
  • Silvervision Bulbs
  • Xenons :D
  • K&N Panel Filter
  • Ph3 Dynamique Alloys
  • Civic Aerial
  • ICE All Sorted Too
  • Probably other little things i've forgotten.

Possibly leather interior next.
Andy Pandy said:
!!! so i take my cbt at 17, then pass test if i have money, then can ride any bike restricted to 33 bhp. Oh please be that way :D
no if you pass your cbt you can only ride upto a 125 and only 14bhp i think you have to take your proper bike test then you can ride any bike aslong as its restricted to 33bhp
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