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Here is my baby - REVO moded - 530BHP


That RS6 is mean, what was the before bhp?

480 is stock, i can turn it up and down and re-program it and all sorts.

I just leave it in nutter mode and occasionally have to put it into sport ;) The last time was for a Bentley Continental GT (Something) My god that was fast, but not fast enough :P
Nah, no sounds. It feathers nicely though :) It's an Auto, so you dont really rev it, although I am told it sounds like a Meschershmitt coming.

When we tuned it we had 180 from it and it had more left, probably do 200, having said that i was sh1ting myself at 180 and probably will never do that speed again.

Its the speed of which you get there that is astounding. Its like being in a plane taking off, and it dont stop pulling hard until about 160.

The downside though with any car with 2 Turbo's is that it likes a drink. Average since i have had it (2 years) is from between 15 - 17 MPG
Please post MORE pics of this inside and out! and specs!

:) Bought it a month ago as it is. Celica T-Sport, vvtl-i - 190bhp. Engine works like vtec, extra power kicks in at 6.2k revs up to 8.2k.

Mod's are:
TRD rear spoiler with carbon fibre centre blade.
C-ONE raised carbon fibre bonnet scoop.
Genuine sideskirts from the GT model celica.
Lowered on TTE springs.
Blueflame exhaust.

Not got any pictures of the interior yet but heres another couple of pics, not gonna be to everyones tastes but meh :p



That's a lovely looking Celica, I always quite liked them, usually I find most Japanese cars to be very dull indeed but that model Celica is really quite nice. I have no idea at all what they are like to drive though and I am not sure about the interior either, but it looks very attractive on the outside.
Picked up my new MK2 1.8iS last Saturday doing a 600 mile round trip! So far no regrets and very happy :D

Only pic I have atm, which I took on my to Uni on Thursday:


45k miles, mx5parts exhaust, everything works spot on. Paid £2450.
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