Display Fusion does taskbars too.If you want a taskbar on your other monitor then try Zbar if you don't want to pay for Ultramon, although I use dual monitors I use Displayfusion as I'm not bothered about having a taskbar on both monitors.
Looks wicked mate, how do you get the background and taskbar to go across all 3 monitors? i have a dual setup and i am trying to do it but have no idea how
More development with a New Office setup.
That is some serious collection you got going there, very nice indeed!
(Lolz, sry!)
First image, where u get that mouse surface, and how much was it? fancy a big one to stop my keyboard scraping on my deskI posted in the case gallery thought id post here too.
Dual 30'' 3007wfp HC's
Tv's a Sony 46v3000