Sorry for the poor quality pic... couldn't be bothered to fish out the proper camera, but this gives a basic idea:
32inch fullhd samsung and 27inch 1920x1200 Hanns_G, old school keyboard (had it since 97 and so used to it I can get much higher wpm with that so I just keep it) and wired mouse... I have those wireless ones too but whenever I'm wasted I always end up just wheeling it off the edge of the desk where they fall to their deaths... at least with the wire it's got a safety rope.
Since getting the Hanns G I gave away my other screens (22 inchers) - can't be doing with anything smaller any more, just feels too restrictive. Just wish they'd soon bring out some screens over 32 inches that are more than 1920x1080 so I can have something to upgrade to.
Well "extremely large" and "decent" are both relative terms and it depends what you use them for, but TBH it's all just personal preference. I personally couldn't go back to screens less than 26 inch, but if some people are happy with less, then that's their choice.
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