Show us your TFT setups!!

My desk type thing looking rather tidy for me, not much space but that will change when I move to Uni and use the deck in the room there.

My Acer AL1916W. Got it about 3 months ago now and still love it. Anything bigger and I'd have to pay more than I can afford on a graphics card to play natively.
Cheers :)

The 2407WFP (both are A02 revision) are significantly lighter than the 2405FPW's and the Neo Flex arms are much more supportive of these TFT's, I can now get both screens perfectly side by side.

Viewing angle seems much improved over the 2405 as well, before if I sat on the left side of desk which is my normal seating position the right hand screen would appear darker, now both screens appear equally bright etc.

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Logitech dinovo, they are fine for gaming, they are pretty flat much like a laptop keyboard so it does take a little getting used to.

Logitech dinovo, they are fine for gaming, they are pretty flat much like a laptop keyboard so it does take a little getting used to.

I have one to well I did until I knocked a pint of water over it :( tbh I think they are way over rated and definately over priced, they look great though but there are far better keyboards out there imo
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