Sick of having tyres and balancing done/

Sounds a bit mental, but i suppose you could make it pay for by doing other ppeople's cheap
Would you need a certificate or some kind of insurance though?
I have no intentions of doing anyones else. It's purely for me.

Just like my 2 post ramp, hit a wall with dealing with mechanics. Got my own ramp and just repair it myself.

plus they do hundreds of tyres a week so i am sure will be doing a better job than me having my first go on a £350+ machine.


You'd think that wouldn't you, but it's just not the case.
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Bought some 2.5g weights so now I can calibrate in fine mode.

Most fitters use normal mode which would just round it down to 0g needed, but fine mode is a lot more picky and would request a tiny more amount.
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Don't blame you, we're looking at doing similar having 8 cars in the family.

Keep the thread updated as it'll be interesting how you get on once you get the other one.

Well I balanced the Lexus alloys today due to a wobble.

Now smooth as silk :cool:

It's very easy to install the wheel on the balancer wrong, I think it's more of a case that people don't install it properly rather than they don't know how to stick the weights on.
Nice idea, but it would take forever to pay itself off. I only get tyres done every other year at £10 a corner...
Nice idea, but it would take forever to pay itself off. I only get tyres done every other year at £10 a corner...

Not true on the basis you can sell the machine all day long for the amount I paid for it.

It's worthwile if you have 4-5 cars at home. Or like to change cars often.
I'm stuck.

Can either byu a Dunlop tyre changer for £230 or a Bradbury for £330.

Dunlop has a sticking pedal but other than that is a reliable runner.

Bradbury one is fine, good brand and has recently had a new motor and pedals...

I suggest you look em up

If the bradbury has had new motor and pedals what do you think the OE quality was like ;)
Well my angle of attack is that they lasted 13 years being used everyday.

So it should last pretty damn long with being used very very rarely by me...
I applaud you, given the number of cars we have I had considered it, already have a 4 post lift in the old mans garage. I've got a giant air compressor to refurb for home. I just need to get a bigger garage (or move house to find one with more land).
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