Sick, older lady is handed a P45 during a public speech at work!

I have posted extensively on these forums in SC and GD on the subject of drug prohibition without it degenerating into "you know nothing Jon Snow", that doesn't warrant a substantive reply.

Forgive me, I was expecting a point/counter point response from you, not exclusively about drug prohibition, but also your obscure and incorrect view that the "pigs" somehow make the rules of the country and you are holding them responsible when I have pointed out that the public, politicians and legal experts devise and amend laws over decades

I note you *still* have posted absolutely nothing of substance in response to these points bar vague references to posts you have made in the past and you attempting to undermine my points by accusing me of using poor methods of constructive discussion. If i'm totally honest, judging by the posts you've made in this thread, I'm not holding my breath on getting any well reasoned, level headed responses from you...

As a side note, if you expect to be taken as anything more than background noise, you probably should stop referring to certain individuals or groups in such a derogatory and frankly aggressive way...
The police just did their duty, nothing more nothing less.

Some people think he got off lightly and that he would have been strung up had this been the US or that the police wrongfully detained him because Tory party are devils :mad::mad::mad:

Truth is that the situation was fine. He made a disturbance and was removed and detained for half an hour to prevent him making another disturbance. He was then released with no charge. A completely reasonable response. He crashed one of Trumps speeches when he was campaigning and chucked golf balls at him with swastikas and he was dealt with exactly the same.

I don't think there is much more to be said on the police side of things. As to how he got entrance, he seems to be a master at gatecrashing. If he can gatecrash Kanye West's stage, i am sure this was a doddle.
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