Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth - Alpha Centauri sequel announced!

Well that sucks, wanted a quick 15mins on it. Got work in the morning and can't wait for Steam to get their act together, could be here all night.
bloody daylight saving hours, why do we need them in the 21st century?
CivilizationVerified account
We're aware of #BeyondEarth unlock issues in the UK. We're talking with Steam about it right now - sit tight!

They put this out on twitter about 15 mins ago.
It does, but it also shows staggered times for london/paris/berlin/moscow. sounds like somthings borked up anyhow :(
It does, but it also shows staggered times for london/paris/berlin/moscow. sounds like somthings borked up anyhow :(

They're all the same time, just with the timezone differences taken into account.

(11pm UTC is 12am GMT, Paris and Berlin are at GMT+1 , which is UTC+2, so would be 1am and Moscow is GMT+3, which is UTC+4, so would be 3am, so london, paris, berlin and moscow arent staggered they're all showing the same time)

*change GMT for BST in those :)
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Things would be a hell of a lot more simple if we got rid of unnecessary outdated concepts like putting the clocks forward and back and just stuck to being on GMT all year round instead !
I would wager that there isnt a technical problem, its probably just that the super boffins at Steam didnt realise that the UK was on BST not GMT currently and have thus got us set to unlock at 1am instead of midnight, will probably coincedently suddenly start working at any minute
Bit of a shame really, I had planned to allow myself to play for an hour til 1am before having to hit the sack, looks like I will have to wait til tomorrow evening to start now
Good Morning

Bug making 144hz and other high refresh monitors unusable at higher res....

what a kick in the balls.

I wont play it until fixed :(


Looks good though all confusing and new at first glance.
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