Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth - Alpha Centauri sequel announced!

The resolution bug seems to affect high refresh rate monitors. You can go into the settings files to get it to run at 1440p but only in windows mode, apparently a patch is on its way. I agree its poor.

I also think so far the AI seems awful and pathing is a big issue. Some nice features but not convinced overall yet.
This is quite a bit different to Civ5. It may look reskinned but it plays differently. It is much more advanced in things like covert ops etc.
I played it for 6 hours last night, loving it so far.

The aliens are pretty difficulty in the early game, which is better than Civ 5 barbarians I think, but after a few unit upgrades they are dead pretty quickly. The Kracken though, that's something you don't want to mess with, it kills boats in one hit. I've lost 5 Gun Boats so far.

The tech web and affinity system is really good, it will make players have different units at end game, rather than everyone having the same like in previous games. I've gone for fast Supremacy progression, and now I can kill AI players like they are nothing because of the unit upgrades. I think maybe some of the upgrades are overpowered, but maybe I should play on a higher difficulty. The CNDR just eliminates everything I can find.

Something that needs to be added is trade route automation, each city can have a certain amount of routes, and towards the end of the game you're going to be choosing where to send them every turn. There needs to be a button to automatically go back to the same place every time. But other than that, I haven't found much that I don't like yet.
I hate to think what people will say when Civ VI comes out, oh look it's another re-skinned Civ. Rather than judge by appearance try the damn game before throwing around buzz phrases.
Oh you. I absolutely love Civ V so tbh, this wasn't ever an issue for me. Not playing it anyway, playing Crysis 3, although really it's just a reskinned doom.
I like the amount of choices you have on what to do with things like accidental contamination of earth plants etc. I currently have some tiles have turned into earth and they are spreading.
Anyone using multi monitors? For some reason it gets displayed on my second screen, yet the cursor still needs to interact with the main screen for me to do something in the game. This only happens when I run the game in Mantle mode...

EDIT: Swapped the monitors around and set the other screen as the main monitor. It still happens! The game insists displaying on the most right monitor yet the cursor needs to stay on the left primary monitor for me to interact with the game...

EDIT 2: Great, it's a common problem:

Guess I'll disable my second monitor or stick with DirectX...
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I hate to think what people will say when Civ VI comes out, oh look it's another re-skinned Civ. Rather than judge by appearance try the damn game before throwing around buzz phrases.

The latest Civ game usually has different graphics and some other incremental changes like possibly better AI.

I suppose what I'm saying is that it looks more like a mod or DLC for Civ 5 rather than something that deserves to be an entirely new release.

What I was getting at with my question is that is there something special about the campaign that sets it apart from Civ 5 to make it worthwhile, for example do the character traits add new and interesting gameplay dynamics? Has the AI been improved? Has the diplomacy been improved/expanded upon? Is it just Civ 5 with a different aesthetic and instead of mining gold you mine unobtainium, and instead of having a horse resource you have flying space kangaroo?

I get that if you're a Civ enthusiast and enjoyed Alpha Centauri that you might love this even if it's not much different to Civ 5, but on the flip side someone might have bought this and played it only to realise that it's a bit too similar to Civ 5 and they are taking the **** about releasing it as a new title.
I'm not qualified to answer as I still haven't fired it up yet but from what I have read it is 'different enough' but as to if it improves on those points you raised I won't know until I play it.
I know where you are coming from with the familiarity route, like energy and health is gold/happiness, but I think there are a lot more choices that influence the game compared to Civ V. I shall find out shortly!
Instead of choosing a civ + leader, you choose from 4-5 lists of bonuses (ie. make your own civ + leader). Like Civ V vanilla, it's completely unbalanced with units getting one shot all over the place and cities being laughably weak. Instead of having one Tech tree, you now have 3. Diplomacy is also similar.

Civ 5 was very unpolished at release (gameplay not graphics) and it lacked many features but it was a step in another direction, there's no doubt about it. This definitely plays like a mod of the previous game.
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