Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth - Alpha Centauri sequel announced!

No deformable terrain :(

It'll be absolutely nowhere near as good as the original without fully deformable terrain, none of these ridiculous impassible mountains!

^ It will indeed be a shadow of the former game!

I'll buy it full price however :) but I am under no illusions, it will not be as in depth as the original game.
Alpha Centuri was actually the first PC game I ever played funnily enough.

I kinda like Civ games, but its a weird "like" for me, it's more addictive than it is fun. I just want to see what happens in the next turn or once I learn the next technology. Its not really an in the moment game when I play it.
Omg Omg Omg Omg.

I've left my PS4 at home to make this post. The impossible day I never planned for has arrived! SMAC is one of the best PC games of all times, Free Drones for the win!!

"Beware the man who would deny you knowledge for in his heart he dreams hinself your Master".

I just hope its based more off SMAC than later Civ games in terms of production rate, as while later games are good in their own right theres a lot of waiting around in 3-5 that Civ 2 and SMAC didn't have.
Im really looking forward to the DLC's:p
Should be pretty good, I should imagine its gonna play like civ 5 but in space. Hopefully not too dumbed down, as I loved alpha centurai.
How much is Sid Meier still involved and how much is just his name?

Loved the first smac and pray this is even half as good.
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