Siliconslave's how to make espresso thread

This seems to be the coffee thread so:

Any caveats to buying a Gaggia Classic used on ebay (picking listings with good descriptions and feedback)?

My mum is wanting a coffee machine and you seem to be able to save a lot of money buying used, are these machines reliable and is there much that can wrong?

My dad picked up a gaggia te off the bay last week. Before we were using a standard plastic machine and the difference is incredible, commercial f-t-w :L Just experimenting a lot now, although we dont have a grinder yet so we're commiting a pretty horrible coffee sin considering our machine :P
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@all the syphon fans, THIS was that Bodum vac pot I saw in a shop, the one that doesn't have a stand and is meant to be used on a normal kitchen stove.

Not suggesting it to anyone, since it's over twice the price as the ebay one, just thought I'd link to it cause a couple of people thought it was strange to have a syphon pot without a stand. I guess its only advantage is that it'd be faster than using an alcohol burner, so if brewing speed is of the essence you might as well get one of those rather than the £20 ebay one + the £20 butane burner, it'll work out the same! :) I don't know how the hell the glass doesn't crack being put directly on a burning hot stove, but apparently it works.
@all the syphon fans, THIS was that Bodum vac pot I saw in a shop, the one that doesn't have a stand and is meant to be used on a normal kitchen stove.

Not suggesting it to anyone, since it's over twice the price as the ebay one, just thought I'd link to it cause a couple of people thought it was strange to have a syphon pot without a stand. I guess its only advantage is that it'd be faster than using an alcohol burner, so if brewing speed is of the essence you might as well get one of those rather than the £20 ebay one + the £20 butane burner, it'll work out the same! :) I don't know how the hell the glass doesn't crack being put directly on a burning hot stove, but apparently it works.

Not sure i'm describing this well but the cracking of glass happens with differential expansion of different thicknesses of glass within the same vessel. This is why an evenly blown thin glass vessel is less likely to crack than lets say a thicker one piece water pouring jug with a thick glass handle. (That's the one I broke a couple of weeks ago :D)

After using the syphon exclusively over the last couple of weeks, the thought of putting one on the stove is not that appealing; reason being is that when the water has risen into the top chamber, I like to turn the burner down to absolute minumum in order to keep the water at the top from overheating; you don't need much heat at all to prevent water from the top chamber from coming back down. I'm not entirely sure how easy that level of control would be on a stove top version. Another bonus with the ebay version+burner is that you're not tied to the kitchen to make it!!

Regarding the speed, it doesn't take long for nearly boiled water in the bottom chamber to start rising. I believe it's something like 88 deg C when it starts to rise. In fact the time it takes is just enough time to prepare the beans and get the cups warm :)
Yeah, control of the heat would be an issue (maybe not on gas stoves, but most people have electric ones in their homes nowadays, and those take a long time to cool down after you've turned down the heat).

The hassle-free nature of the stove-top one is still kind of appealing though. Having to pre-warm the flask so that it won't shatter when the hot water gets poured in sounds a bit tiresome, and the thought that if I don't do it right it'll basicallly explode in my hand is a little scary! :D Still, if I were buying I'd probably still go for the ones you guys bought simply because it's so much cheaper. I just wouldn't bother brewing with pre-heated water, I don't really mind if it takes 10 minutes to brew tbh, this isn't espresso! :)
Pre-warming the flask is just a matter of pouring water from the kettle into the top chamber which preheats both the top and the bottom and also serves to wash away either paper taste from a paper filter or any little coffee debris from the cloth filter. Actually the first few times I used the syphon I didn't even pre-heat! I poured nearly boiling water directly into the bottom flask and can report that there was no breakage :)

As Flibster pointed out earlier, you have to ensure that the outside of the bottom chamber is completely dry before introducing the burner but this isn't an issue when you put very hot water in there in the first place as it will evaporate very quickly.

Tell you what I'll do. I'll make myself a brew later today and let you know how long it takes for room temperature water filled up to the 5 cup level to start rising into the top chamber using the butane burner.
Haha, no need to do that man, thanks! Brewing time is really a non issue for me as filter coffee is a slow leisurely drink I'd have if I had a couple of hours in the afternoon. Don't want to make you sit there for 20' waiting for the thing to rise grinding your teeth in frustration at your caffeine fix being delayed! :D If I decide to go for a syphon brewing time won't really be a factor, the only reason I found the stove-top one interesting is the overall lack of hassle (no need to pre-warm, no need to buy fuel for the burner, looks less likely to topple over, looks like a kitchen appliance rather than scientific apparatus, actually I'm not sure that last one is a positive thing... :p)

Out of curiosity and completely on another topic, has anyone ever tried cold brew?
Close, it's not a cone filter it's a normal 4cup filter. It really is pretty simple, but produces great coffee.

I use french press grind and have both a paper and swissgold filter in it - paper first then swissgold on top. Hit the 3:45 brew time and whip out the swissgold and it takes 99% of the grounds with it and stops the brewing immediately. All the fines get caught by the paper filter.

It's what I've used most over the last few weeks.

I got my Abid clever dripper in the post yesterday morning and although I made a complete mess in the kitchen (don't ask!!) the coffee tasted superb. There were a few loose grounds in the bottom of the mug though; i was using the Melitta 1X4 unbleached papers. I'm interested in trying out this Swiss Gold filter. Which one is a good fit, KF4? Could you recommend a supplier?
Thanks :)
I got my Abid clever dripper in the post yesterday morning and although I made a complete mess in the kitchen (don't ask!!) the coffee tasted superb. There were a few loose grounds in the bottom of the mug though; i was using the Melitta 1X4 unbleached papers. I'm interested in trying out this Swiss Gold filter. Which one is a good fit, KF4? Could you recommend a supplier?
Thanks :)

If there was some ground in the bottom of the mug, you did something wrong - using the paper filter there should only be a clean brew in the mug.

I believe my swissgold is the KF4, but mine is many years old now so I genuinely have no idea where to get them from.
Right gentlemens,,, I going to buy 2 coffees from Has bean on thursday. I have £15.00 inc postage. so first two to spec me a coffee will be taken and ordered. One choice per person.

I have had

  • 1 x Indonesian Sidikalang 2009-2010
    (Grind or Green: Roasted Ground for Espresso)
  • 2 x Indian Monsoon Malabar 2009-2010
    (Grind or Green: Roasted Ground for Espresso)
  • 1 x Brazil Biodynamic Fazenda Terramater Pulped Natural
So preffer not them.
The reason Im doing this is I keep sitting looking and looking thinking HMMM what will I get hmm will I like it hmm. AHHH just buy one man.

Sothis way I will take out the mental problems i have
If there was some ground in the bottom of the mug, you did something wrong - using the paper filter there should only be a clean brew in the mug.

I believe my swissgold is the KF4, but mine is many years old now so I genuinely have no idea where to get them from.

I think you may be right. My guess is that I filled up and some worked its way underneath the filter.
The KF4 does look about the right shape for the Abid but will use paper for the time being. Thanks :)

Right gentlemens,,, I going to buy 2 coffees from Has bean on thursday. I have £15.00 inc postage. so first two to spec me a coffee will be taken and ordered. One choice per person.

I have had

  • 1 x Indonesian Sidikalang 2009-2010
    (Grind or Green: Roasted Ground for Espresso)
  • 2 x Indian Monsoon Malabar 2009-2010
    (Grind or Green: Roasted Ground for Espresso)
  • 1 x Brazil Biodynamic Fazenda Terramater Pulped Natural
So preffer not them.
The reason Im doing this is I keep sitting looking and looking thinking HMMM what will I get hmm will I like it hmm. AHHH just buy one man.

Sothis way I will take out the mental problems i have

Nicaragua Limoncillo. I'm working my way through some at the moment and it's lovely!! (Bolivia Finca Machacamarca De Berengula 2011 will also probably be recommended!!)
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No worries. Hope it works just as well as espresso for you if that's your intention. I've been brewing it with filter methods.

yeah finaly got my finger out and got an espresso machine, Nothing expensive or decent im sure but letting me fiund my feet. Still want an ibrik and genuine turkish/arabic coffee though
Nicaragua Limoncillo. I'm working my way through some at the moment and it's lovely!! (Bolivia Finca Machacamarca De Berengula 2011 will also probably be recommended!!)

Worked my way through that the other week a very nice cup through the chemex.

A personal fav of mine is the kenyan Ogawa natural has a beautiful blueberry flavour and is one that I really love.

If you are after something a little different then the Cuba Serrano Superior. Has a nice spicey kick to it and again is one that could happily drink all day everyday.
Worked my way through that the other week a very nice cup through the chemex.

Tis rather good! Also great in syphon and Clever Dripper but I guess any filter method would work with this stuff. What I really like it the pleasing kick of acidity that you get straight away rather when the coffee has cooled down a lot.

A personal fav of mine is the kenyan Ogawa natural has a beautiful blueberry flavour and is one that I really love.

I'll probably go for that with my next order. My last experience with Kenyan coffee was not good though so I need to change that; Sertao from Monmouths was bland and boring. I actually threw some away as I couldn't bare drinking it again!
cheers guys, Just went ahead and ordered

1 Cuba Serrano Superior - Grind or Green: Roasted Ground for Espresso
1 Nicaragua Limoncillo 2010-2011 - Grind or Green: Roasted Ground for Espresso
cheers guys, Just went ahead and ordered
1 Nicaragua Limoncillo 2010-2011
Good choice, that's one of my favourites :).

I'm in the market for a new espresso machine for home, looking for some recommendations please. At the moment I'm looking at the Rancilio Silvia for about £400, and I don't want to spend any more than that if possible. Any thoughts anyone?
Good choice, that's one of my favourites :).

I'm in the market for a new espresso machine for home, looking for some recommendations please. At the moment I'm looking at the Rancilio Silvia for about £400, and I don't want to spend any more than that if possible. Any thoughts anyone?

this site looks good for the Rancilio, they also have a limited edition ex demo on offer for a little more
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