Siliconslave's how to make espresso thread

i'm using zassenhauss to aeropress.

the aeropress gives much better results then a french press but in terms of making epresso please note

1. it will not produce crema
2. you shave to use use twice the amount of coffee grind per cup to produce 'espresso' compared to a real espresso machine. (approx 14g instead of 7g)
Yeah I noticed the lack of crema - the best I can get is the reddish foam that disappears after a few seconds. Still tastes pretty good though!

Is 14g of beans equal to one aeropress scoop?

My grinder hasn't arrived yet, hopefully tomorrow, fingers crossed.

And I wish people would stop posting pictures of lovely-looking coffee, it's making me want to by a proper espresso machine!;):p
Is 14g of beans equal to one aeropress scoop?:p

yes it's a huge scoop :eek:

i use my old bodum 7g scoop

I don't follow the instructions and have my own method for americano as follows......

extract plunger to full extent and place aerobie upside down on worktop

add 7g of grind (the aerobie funnel is very useful for emptying the zass)

add hot water right to to the top and stir

leave for a couple of minutes to brew

turn unit correct way up onto cup and plunge for 20 secs

= 1 x lovely cup of americano

I turn unit upside down as this stops some of the liquid passing through the filter before it is ready for plunge.
rancillio silva and rocky

I was just following this auction closely

almost my entry into becoming 'home barista' and would have bid a bit more if the seller was a little closer for collection


same seller also had an Iroast up for grabs
Cheers, I'm hoping it's on it's way now!

I'm using an aeropress at the moment, which is great (can't afford a Gaggia unfortunately:(); so far my favourite supermarket coffees have been the Lavazza red, and Tesco's Javan Sumatra. Looking forward to comparing freshly ground beans to pre-ground. I'm also looking at trying some of the Iapar 59 on NickK's advice earlier in the thread.

I've been called a coffee snob at work (just for using a French press), but I couldn't stomach the filth from the vending machine any longer!

i got a aeropress as well and iam loving it, one other thig i got was a tefal quick cup for hot water. it easyer than boiling the kettal/microwaving, and (mine at leased does) makes water at 80c so it doesn't burn the coffee
yes it's a huge scoop :eek:

i use my old bodum 7g scoop

I don't follow the instructions and have my own method for americano as follows......

extract plunger to full extent and place aerobie upside down on worktop

add 7g of grind (the aerobie funnel is very useful for emptying the zass)

add hot water right to to the top and stir

leave for a couple of minutes to brew

turn unit correct way up onto cup and plunge for 20 secs

= 1 x lovely cup of americano

I turn unit upside down as this stops some of the liquid passing through the filter before it is ready for plunge.
I'll have to try the inversion method again sometime. I've tried it once before with slightly disastrous consequences - I ended up with hot water and ground coffee sprayed halfway up the wall! Still not quite sure how I managed it...:o:confused:
I usually let it brew for a little bit longer than the instructions recommend, I put the plunger in slightly after stirring and the vacuum stops any more dripping through.

i got a aeropress as well and iam loving it, one other thig i got was a tefal quick cup for hot water. it easyer than boiling the kettal/microwaving, and (mine at leased does) makes water at 80c so it doesn't burn the coffee
I've noticed that water temp can make quite a difference to the taste with the aeropress, but I haven't got around to working out which is the best temp. I usually just wait about a minute after the kettle has boiled.
A lot of folks with Aeropresses (Aeropressii?:)) here then... I'm sure I've asked before, but how do these compare with a normal stove top espresso pot?
blimey, not been back to this thread for ages :) glad to see its inspired some people to take up decent coffee!

Justin whom?

one of the guys on here... can't remember who now.

are you from HD then? i spoke to someone there before i bought my MC2 - fantastic machine for the money, the only drawback it its so precise on the grid settings you really can't switch between two profiles, still that seems to be the only trade off so not complaining.

quick update on the orange bourbon i got from square mile, its blooming amazing stuff - really not an espresso bean, but it was never ment to be. Its really light and orangey in colour (will need to take some photos...) but gives a lovely smooth naturally sweet coffee, a lovely drink!

Depending on finances i might have to order a zassenhauss and chemex from some work brewing...
Got my £199 HOF Gaggia classic arrive a few days ago. I have to say I am VERY impressed so thanks for the recommendations :)
blimey, not been back to this thread for ages :) glad to see its inspired some people to take up decent coffee!

I have never gone through 250g of coffee so quickly (my first ever bag of fresh roasted beans ) and i was very impressed with toba sulawasi espresso blend

I especially love grinding the beans - it's no chore!! :D

Am now going for 250g Guatemala Finca San Francisco Tecuamburro (sounds interesting) :eek:

gets some good reviews and i will update with my review hopefully for the weekend with any luck :)
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... lets see some pics when you get a chance :)

btw what grinder are you using with your classic
I'm not, just getting Whittard to do it for me as I need it. Excellent results in my opinion and a good balance between convenience and quality.
My Zassenhaus grinder arrived today! Just drinking my second cup of the Skyberry now - absolutely loving it so far, very smooth!:)

Is the Gaggia Carreza any good as a basic espresso machine? I've noticed you can get re-conditioned ones for £75.
update in my adventure in the espresso world:)

finally I got a unpressurised basket,and after trying to buy a tamper for "Happy Donkey" I learned that they don´t send it overseas,so I ask a friend who works with lathes,to make me one in stainless steel:D

He made a heavy one ( I gave him a picture I take from the net) ,with 530 grams:cool:
(it is a little thick in the base of the handle,I´am gone to ask him to perfect it a little bit)

PS- and I am waiting for a Zassenhauss to come from Manutman, I ordered it in last Friday,after that I only need good beans:p
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Nice tamper !!! Solid stainless steel, it's worth a few bob ! (My hasbean one is £42 and it's not all steel !)
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cost me 40 Euros
20 for the piece of steel (it comes from a rod for pistons,or something),and 20 for some beer for him;)
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