Siliconslave's how to make espresso thread

Totally depends on the coffee - some roasters will tell you their recommended brew ration - ie red brick from square mile & San Fermin from Origin is 1:2 - ie 19grams in, 38 grams out. typically in around 28-32 secs.

I'd suggest that while its a 21g basket you probably only want about 18 to 19 grams in & around double that out for a double espresso, going larger in and out will give a more bitter flavour. Maybe look at pulling it back a little?

It is supposed to be a small amount of coffee - around 60ml of volume (although weight is more accurate) - pour it over hot water and add milk if you want a longer drink :)
its a bit of a weird one, your not likely to get decent coffee from cheap beans even if it is dialed in correctly & good beans tend to be a bit more forgiving, but once in your the ball park you shouldn't really waste the coffee unless you choke the machine.
When I see them with some scale I'm always a bit surprised how big they are, the shape makes them look tiny. Would like to try one out someday.

I'm tempted to have a little DIY project to make a grinder. My mate has a full workshop...I figure buying a pair of big flat burrs and a motor and some kind of mechanism, how hard can it be? :}

Based on the price people charge for the machined ones it must be very very hard to do properly, but really how hard could it be...
I have a Sage Duo Temp partnered with a Eureka Mignon. When I first got the kit, i bought some measuring glasses and electronic scales to get the right extraction but as time has gone by, I can't be bothered to dial in new beans every time. I am sure my enjoyment of the coffee has declined because of it :eek:

do a reset, have a play and see how you get on, might at least improve matter a little :)

in-fact its been a while since I weighed by beans and shot (tend to use volume if i'm feeling lazy) - so machine is warming, lets see how its sitting!

19g in 43g out do dialed it back a little, some blonding at the end of the shot but not getting too bitter taste wise. It is the end of a bag so not surprising its slipped a little :)
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You can single dose with the mc2, but its not ideal. I weigh the beans, add to the hopper, grind through everything and re-weigh in the portafilter.

Do want a Niche though!
random question for the lelit owners, what is the depth of your machine without the PF attached - trying to figure out if their measurements are including or excluding the portafilter?
The root of the question was all the images on Lelit's site show with the PF attached - as per:

But its not clear if the dimensions include the PF or not, anyhow i found this which shows the measurement as sans pf:
interestingly CoffeeHit have started doing a mixed roaster subscription service - £10 a 250g bag from a selection of different roaster.(although it seems you can also get 3 bags for £10 which i guess is a mistake).

Although i've just restarted my Square Mile subscription and thats £10 a month for 350g of Red Brick...
This cortado just came out so nice it needed to be shared :p

Need to get another order in soon, I do really like the Origin Stronghold blend and they e got 20% off again so might stick with that.

That does look impressively neat - although thought it was a very strong long white for a min! I've just got some Stronghold through as well actually, was supposed to be a fill in between subscription bags but turned up at the same time in the end.

French press wise i'd be very surprised if it wasn't horrible, flavourless and bitter, but give it a go!
Can you switch between the Red Brick to the special ones like Single Origin?

I'd prefer single origin as I get bored with blends after a while, even good ones.

not that i saw, thats actually why i canceled (in reverse) went back to the redbrick for a while, they do change red brick seasonally but not a huge amount.
Origin are doing a free bag of San Fermin with any other bag by using the code HOME_OFFICE till the end of the month (you need to add both bags) - £7.50 for two x 250g bags is pretty good :)
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Bit niche, but I had to order 1m of food safe tubing to replace the intake tube on my Gaggia Classic (figured I'd do it at the same time as replacing the pump). I couldn't order less, so if anyone is interested in the excess let me know and I'll stick it in the post FOC. If I've heard nothing by tomorrow night it'll go in the bin.

I'll happily pay the postage for it - i'm likely to sell the machine soon so would feel bad taking it for free :)

Gone down a bit of a rabbit hole with water, what is everyone using in their machines (high end or not) we have very hard water here. Volvic seems to be the go-to but i'm not so happy about the waste buying bottles repeatedly. Theres a guy locally that sells RO water for aquatics and drinking, thinking about getting that and re-minteralise it...
trick question ? - they're high end conical burrs ?

Yer - whats the machine? i'd imagine its cheaper (albeit not cheap) to get some new burrs if they are damaged... might need to try and wind them back somehow to get the bolder out.

Otherwise Niche (although next batch isn't due till September apparently)
Indeed - it’s a bit of a niche product right now given the price. I backed it on a whim so got a year of filters and the jug for £49 I think. I was amazed it eventually arrived as I had basically given up on it hence investing in the Osmio zero system which is great but a much bigger upfront investment.

The slope is slippery - I'm going to pick up some RO 'drinking' water from a local Aquarium guy tomorrow and got some bicarb and epson salts on order - time to make some water :D:rolleyes:

Have been struggling with the sourness of the San Fermin, it may be that I opened it too soon (4 days after roast) or my bean-to-cup machine can't extract it well enough.

4 days is pretty early and will give it some sourness, could also be that its under-extracting, what control do you have over the machine? Might be worth grinding a bit finer...

Don't worry about the postage cost, more faff than it's worth. :) Stick a quid in a charity tin next time you see one if it'll soothe your conscience! Can you trust me your address?
Got the tubing through this morning - thank you! Although did you mean to send your old tube as well?
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