TBH when I looked at S&T web-site thought they were a bit reclusive about saying where they were or whether a shop was attached
I just got mine from Amazon. £15/kg with prime to see what it was like, having previously ordered a kg of Rave Signature blend (which I liked a lot).
BTW, The S&T bag said "roasted May 2017" on it which was very reassuring.
I've also had the ModernStandard Momentum espresso from JS as a stop-gap for when I have run out. It's probably the best one that JS do but yes, it's your typical chestnut roast (which is my preferred roast most of the time).
after looking at coffeforums comments was heading in the direction of coffeecompass 3*500g taster pack
Ah, that's a new one on me, although I've not done much bean purchasing online as for the last 4 years I have had a subscription from Square Mile and before that, HasBean.
I may give them a try. cheers.