I've also heard it should never be descaled, can't remember why now but I've done all I can to mitigate limescale buildup instead.
I always used bottled water, I started with Volvic but moved to (Tesco) Ashbeck.
I cleaned once a week, taking the shower screen out, group gasket (as soon as it starts to feel a bit brittle, replace) and clean the portafilter baskets in some Puley Cafe and warm water. I'm not sure what the screw is called behind the shower screen, something like dispersion plate, but that came out to be cleaned also along with a good scrub up in the group head.
Every day I would back flush with water only.
Hope that helps, they're a fantastic machine. It took me a little while to start getting good shots out of mine, good milk took much longer though. Best advice in general is weigh and measure everything to ensure consistency and then you can experiment with one element to gain an understanding/get the shot you require
Ryan-3 I have enjoyed these and like tasting notes such as you mentioned:
They'll even grind it for you