Siliconslave's how to make espresso thread

I'd rather drop the money on some burrs and a motor and use my mate's workship to build one for a fraction of the price :D

I'd like to see the result - thats basically what webber did but then commercializing it at a 'reasonable' price is neigh on impossible (the decent owner was saying the same thing - making a decent espresso machine cheaply wouldn't be any fun for him as would lower quality, move production out of his hands & ultimately they are doing well at the current price).

Lovely cups there tom
My HX shots seem to be taking too long, with a low flow rate, low crema, shots not as tasty.

I haven't done any taking apart yet, but I had thought the opv valve was a problem delivering water at too low a pressure,
but, during cooling shot there is some steam, interruption, to the flow, and, the machine body seems hotter than normal
(the current weather doesn't help, maybe) so I think maybe water is getting too hot/boiling in the HX tube.

The pump is newish, so I don't suspect that.

I am going to see how much water comes back through the OPV overflow tube; if the opv is too low a pressure I expect to see a lot,
if the boiler is over temperature, I expect to see a little, possibly steam .

Is there something I'm forgetting , bad logic ?

adjusting the pressurestat(ie temperature) by half a turn might indicate if the pressurstat tube is blocked, and there is no effect,
but, my money, is on, disconnecting the pressure stat out and doing some cleaning.

couldn't undo the Siri solenoid/opv valve copper pipework, to pull it out and investigate, otherwise I'd be knee deep in that,
was afraid I would shear something off.

however noted that with blind filter the pump was unable to keep going - no noise at all, so I'm wondering if the pump has lost all its power,

I changed the pump 11months ago as I thought the previous one (from 2006) was noisy, for a 2019 dated one,
so I put the original pump back in, and it seems to work,
proper trial this evening, but, it is not dieing with a blind filter, and seems to have higher flow rate

Conclusion is, maybe this replacement pump was not as well made as the original one, which was marked made in Italy;
although it was 'only' £14, may contact seller I don't expect to renew a pump anually. - or ? counterfeit pump

Cleaned the Niche for the first time yesterday, super easy, it really is as simple as the video suggests. Brush and towel to wipe down and I was able to recalibrate back within 2 shots. Love this thing.
Hi All,

Looking to buy a bean to cup coffee machine and although I'd love to play around with coffee I simply dont have the time, but appreciate a good espresso / mocha. I've been looking at the Siemens EQ9 S500 - has anyone had the chance to see this in action anywhere?
They are usually just screwed on but many of the manufacturers do so with either thread loc or maybe when the pieces are still red hot from the forge, either way meaning you ain't getting them off without damaging them. I think some of the guys in this thread tried to get their spouts off (for different brand portafilters I think) but they just wouldn't budge.
They are usually just screwed on but many of the manufacturers do so with either thread loc or maybe when the pieces are still red hot from the forge, either way meaning you ain't getting them off without damaging them. I think some of the guys in this thread tried to get their spouts off (for different brand portafilters I think) but they just wouldn't budge.
Ahh really? So I guess I gotta buy a whole complete one...
Cleaned the Niche for the first time yesterday, super easy, it really is as simple as the video suggests. Brush and towel to wipe down and I was able to recalibrate back within 2 shots. Love this thing.

was it very oily? Did it make any difference? I’ve never got round to cleaning mine. I’ll not lie I’m hoping you tell me it’s a waste of time and not another thing to add to maintenance schedule haha
was it very oily? Did it make any difference? I’ve never got round to cleaning mine. I’ll not lie I’m hoping you tell me it’s a waste of time and not another thing to add to maintenance schedule haha

Not THAT oily but there are bits that is a bit caked in. Nothing a spray of Dettol on a towel then wipe off didn't remove.

I don't notice any performance difference but it's good to remove dirt, it's more like dirt as those grind are stuck on so not going to be exchange into a new cup. They are at the base of the burrs rather than the teeth. The teeth themselves are pretty clean.

At the bottom under the burrs there is a 3 blade scoop thing that spins remove all the grind from the chamber out to the chute. under that has some old grind which is stuck. Again, wipes straight off.

It's really a 5min job, very easy.
Mines unscrews easily. Orginal Gaggia one. I'd try unscrewing it first.

I would echo this. Took it off my gaggia ages ago to give more space for cups and make it easier to pour into a single cup. I did have to put the spout in a vice and then turn the handle to get it to come off though so if you have a vice that could be worth a go, gives you more leverage. Maybe put it in the machine for a bit first to get some heat through it might make it easier also.
I would echo this. Took it off my gaggia ages ago to give more space for cups and make it easier to pour into a single cup. I did have to put the spout in a vice and then turn the handle to get it to come off though so if you have a vice that could be worth a go, gives you more leverage. Maybe put it in the machine for a bit first to get some heat through it might make it easier also.
Cool ok i will give thata go. no vice i have but my dad has one
Yeah just be careful when you put it in, maybe wrap the spout in some cloth or something so there is less chance of marking or damaging it.
I couldn't remove the Brussels sprout, just bought another one with a single, and I also have a naked one….meaning I have 3 x portafilter lol
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