Siliconslave's how to make espresso thread

its basically a normal portafilter with the bottom chopped off. Theres whats called a basket that sits in the portafilter that holds the coffee grounds. The portafilter holds this, lock & seals to the coffee machine and then channels the new coffee into the cups.

A bottomless/naked/crotchless portafilter does away with the bottom section and just allows the coffee to "drop" into a cup:
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You realise all this coffee talk has set the wheels in motion here..

1) Italian gf says "you're always talked about getting one" (YES! I love this girl even more!). Her dad was taken aback that I don't have sugar or milk in my espresso.. (big points I think ;)) (bad point is that I get to see her about once a month at the moment :( so I need something to remind me of her).
I believe there will always be space for a espresso machine in the kitchen with this lady.. it's part of being italian..

2) Slovakian female housemate says (with arms flailing) "we don't have the work space!", me: "we don't use the toaster..". She knows that man-toy-gadget look..
Sure enough a La Pavoni would fit beautifully.. she doesn't know about the grinder yet.. :D

3) Looked at grinders, narrowed it down to a couple:
a) Rocky doserless - this is a conical burr grinder but 25x30x45 cm (WDH). The Rocky is a well known, respected (although not as good as a Mazzer it won't dominate the place for my measly 2 cups a day). The downside is this is stepped but the model has been going since the nineties.
b) Ascaso iMini - recent entrance, stepless doserless burr grinder, small (same foot print but not as tall as the Rocky). Although this suffers from a few mild issues such as clumping in the shute etc.. not too much of a problem with the workload it has todo. Beautiful thing too.

4) Well... umm.... either:
a) La Pavoni Professional Chrome with wooden handles
b) La Pavoni Professional Brass & Copper with wooden handles (this is just the OOOO)
*) I will resist an Electra.. (bottom of the page here)... ooo I've just Sprung!

Although I may not get it straight away these are certainly on my "investment" radar..
So.... come on then - get those naked photos out! I'd be interested in seeing them.

If you've got yourself a naked basket this guide may be of use to you:

not got my basket through yet... and i've got a macro adapter on order for my camera so when they both turn up i'll get some shots :D

Hey where do you work in Guildford if you don't mind me asking?

i don't i live just outside g-ford down towards godalming and work in a large internet company in London, just drink (excessive) coffee as a hobby :D
OMG just grinded my first batch of Hasbeans Breakfast Bomb blend.....WOW!!
It 100 x better than the beans I got from Starsucks...

Thumbs up from me :)
OMG just grinded my first batch of Hasbeans Breakfast Bomb blend.....WOW!!
It 100 x better than the beans I got from Starsucks...

Thumbs up from me :)

cool :) I got my bottomless PF through the other day but it didn't fit :( should be getting another through tomorrow but might have to order some more beans to go with it :D
I got an Aeropress a couple of days back.
Only used some supermarket coffee as of it (one of Somerfield best ever no less! :P) but its still miles better than instant coffee.
:D Looking forward to the update :D

It was catastrophic this morning... no coffee in the house and 2 hours sleep due to insomnia (first time).. :eek: .. i had to take a conference call at the local Costa (emergency dictated this - Costa.. not the conf call!).

I predict SS will be sat there with his gaze glued to the underside of his portafilter.. much to the bafflement of his missus!
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yup, the misses thinks i'm nuts ;) shes going to love it when i get the camera setup on the tripod with lighting etc....

anyhows blurry phonecam pics ahoy:

works really well, get a nice pour from it and i can fit a cup under easily. Need to refine the grind a little & work out why I'm getting splatter but works wonderfully!
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