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Silly to buy a 1080ti now??

I've got an aorus and it has zero coil whine. As far as i understand it, once you start using afterburner it doesn't matter what card you've got, it's just silicon lottery for what clocks you'll see. So buy cheap with a decent warranty and OC the crap out of it.
I would say the cooler matters especially as pascal throttles based on temps starting from 40 or 50C.
But the rated speed of the card I agree doesnt matter. I think the vendors do absolutely no binning with chips.
Is the gaming msi the same as the gaming x?
Seems to have good reviews and for an extra 50 quid seems a good buy.

The card is identical to the extreme version except for the clocks. As MSI do no binning as far as I'm aware, all you need to do is shove the power limit in afterburner to the right (IE. 117%) and add +80 to the core and hey presto, you have an MSI 1080 TI Gaming extreme. At this, the boost is 1,950 MHz. There's a bit more to squeeze out of it should you want, mine would take +130 on the core and be fully stable (boosting to 2,000 MHz in games). But I'm happy at +80 (not greedy). Custom fan curve obviously.
On my aorus the gigabyte bios is pretty conservative, I was able to push the voltage bins more or less 5 or 6 speed steps upwards for decent undervolting. Also I will be pushing the power limit back up to 100%, as in observed testing the cpu power draw is pretty low, the highest I seen in any game or bench I tested is 53W cpu load with most below 40W. The 600watt psu suggestion by nvidia is based on 135W cpu load.
On my aorus the gigabyte bios is pretty conservative, I was able to push the voltage bins more or less 5 or 6 speed steps upwards for decent undervolting. Also I will be pushing the power limit back up to 100%, as in observed testing the cpu power draw is pretty low, the highest I seen in any game or bench I tested is 53W cpu load with most below 40W. The 600watt psu suggestion by nvidia is based on 135W cpu load.

What software are you using for that?
Afterburner, press ctrl-f to bring up the voltage curve.

To undervolt you would so something like this.

Lets say e.g. at 1.025v it has a speed of 1975mhz
What you would do is also set say 1.010v 1.00v 0.975v all at 1975mhz as well, and it will always use the lowest volt for that speed, so same speed but less volts. So instead of 1.025v for 1975mhz it would be 0.975v. It is a bit finicky tho when configuring it, sometimes you set something and when you apply afterburner changes it. Also the card has to be below 40C when configuring otherwise the speed is lowered on the entire curve like the pascal throttle is bumping it down or something.

Afterburner, press ctrl-f to bring up the voltage curve.

To undervolt you would so something like this.

Lets say e.g. at 1.025v it has a speed of 1975mhz
What you would do is also set say 1.010v 1.00v 0.975v all at 1975mhz as well, and it will always use the lowest volt for that speed, so same speed but less volts. So instead of 1.025v for 1975mhz it would be 0.975v. It is a bit finicky tho when configuring it, sometimes you set something and when you apply afterburner changes it. Also the card has to be below 40C when configuring otherwise the speed is lowered on the entire curve like the pascal throttle is bumping it down or something.
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