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Silly to buy a 1080ti now??

ok thanks elrasho.

guys I made more profiles, my chip isnt the best but its good enough based on what I have done to get 2000+ if I wanted, these are my notes. At the tdp limits specified the power throttles dont happen or are minimal. I think profile 2 is probably actually going to be ok with 105% power, 110 was set but on monitoring it never exceeded 104.

There is 2 gigabyte bios's, one has 120% limit the other 150%. If 150% is the limit then 100% is 300 watts, if 150% is the limit then 100% is 250 watts, both if maxed is 375 watts.

profile 4 90% tdp limit 1848 clock 0.925v
profile 3 95% tdp limit 1911 clock 0.95v
profile 2 110% tdp limit 1974 clock 1.012v
todo profile 1 2000+ clock probably achievable with 1.037 or 1.05v (1.025v if lucky), voltage cap is 1.087v
100% tdp on this gigabyte bios is 250 watts, 150% limit is 375w

Also voltage bar in afterburner was left at 0.
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This is the trouble with second hand prices for high end cards. Buyers fold before sellers. People happy to make a 10% saving or less and going second hand.

For £600 could have had a brand new one about a week ago.

Considering over a year ago these cards were £580 for an extreme edition with a games. Current prices second hand are ludicrous imo.
More than happy with the strix runs cool and quiet overclocks even further yep I could have got the gigabyte card but I have a ROG motherboard and it matches lovely I paid £375 for my old GTX 980ti and it has been a great card sold it for £195 so the strix cost £380 which is pretty much in line with my second hand purchases over the years and not a fortune taking into account the premium price the strix originally sold for. I wanted the rtx 2080ti but an extra grand for this card is not good value compared to the older generation card, rather spend a little get the bump up and see how these cards pan out if they do eventually do as promised then I might go for it at a later date but probably skip this launch completely. Hopefully people buying into the new cards don't end up feeling right royally ripped off in a few months or so just not worth the gamble for me
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is it silly to buy a 1080ti now?

Dunno but i got one ;)

I did have a 2080ti on pre-order ("cheap" as well at £1080) but decided this is not the generation (for me) to go balls to the wall. The decision between a 2080 and a 1080ti with £120 in my pocket at the end was much harder. I do think over the life of the 2080 it will pull away from the 1080ti, but today there is nothing between them and the 1080 has more memory which may or may not be an issue.

I chose the £580 1080ti but I do not think it is a bad call to choose a 2080 over it either.

i also got £150 for my gtx 980.. so a net cost of £430. I can live with that.
Just got another 1080ti (£585 new) . Nvidia and the RTX range currently priced themselves out of a lot of people's budget. The performance increase certainly isn't even worth an investment imo over the 10 series
lol if you got £££££££££££££ go all out lol still waiting 4 years for next upgrade from i7 5830 clocked 5 ghz and 2 asus matrix 9080ti in sli will run any game with my asus 144 ghz swift lol the world has gone nuts
Just got another 1080ti (£585 new) . Nvidia and the RTX range currently priced themselves out of a lot of people's budget. The performance increase certainly isn't even worth an investment imo over the 10 series

Reading another post on another thread apparently trhe 1080ti is going to be hard to come by going forward which is a bummer. Where did you get your 1080ti for that price?
Really glad I got my 1080ti early on it’s been great, has run everything I’ve thrown at it. I don’t think I would have felt the same buying a 2080 and defiantly not if I’d got a 2080ti. would have felt some regret I think
Months after the original post - I think we can say with certainty that purchasing a gtx 1080ti is still worth it.
The 20 series is generally considered as a massive disappointment as it all boils down to paying extra for the promise of new techs that has not matured and little to no performance difference.
I've gone back and bought a new EVGA 1080TI FTW 3 got a fair deal for a new one,I'll wack a 5 or 10 year warranty on it and I'll be covered,was going to buy the 2080ti but I just can't justify the price of them.
I've gone back and bought a new EVGA 1080TI FTW 3 got a fair deal for a new one,I'll wack a 5 or 10 year warranty on it and I'll be covered,was going to buy the 2080ti but I just can't justify the price of them.
This is the same position I am in - recently bought new 1080 ti FTW at good price which I could recoup cost on if I sold second hand. For my monitor 3440x1440 G-sync I just cant see enough benefit from the 2080 ti for the price. There are a few VR titles I have which may benefit but these are becoming more CPU limited (DCS, IL2, Dirt rally). I still have 2080ti on pre-order at amazon but I am hovering over the cancel button. Its disappointing as I was going to but a 1080 ti last September but everyone said hold off for next gen. If the 2080 ti price drops and RTX/DLSS delivers I may reconsider later
Same bought the FTW3 also from rainforest, i just can't see the point in paying more for a lower end 2080 with a garbage cooler with 3gb less VRAM.

im upgrading from a 970 so hopefully the 1080ti will last me a good few years at 1440p.

RTX features just don't interest me enough to justify spending the extra on a 2080, and a 2080ti is far too rich for me atm.
I personally think Nvidia are just trying to cash in before AMD release their next cards. Sell RT tracing to us (even tho it doesn't exist in many ways) before AMD bring some price competition to the space.
I personally think Nvidia are just trying to cash in before AMD release their next cards. Sell RT tracing to us (even tho it doesn't exist in many ways) before AMD bring some price competition to the space.
this would be brilliant... but i am not so sure.

yes they did it to intel with their cpu but i am not that hopeful.
Well it's quite true isn't it. Presently there isn't any RT happening. Neither games currently and neither can the 2070 or 2080 do it to a respectable level.

Only a 2080ti can do it at 1080p and this has still only been in show cases.

Whats the point?

It's almost false advertising by Nvidia. :rolleyes:

Take BF5 for example. No one is going to run the game during multilayer with RT on.

A) At 1080p???! (2080ti)
B) Crappy low FPS.


Until it is feasible to run RT at your native resolution (at least 1440p at 60fps with a 2070 or lower) I don't think the technology is there yet.

I hope that Nvidia prove me wrong and get this working as we all want as I do want to buy a new card and use this tech, but presently it is just for showcased benchmarks.
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Well it's quite true isn't it. Presently there isn't any RT happening. Neither games currently and neither can the 2070 or 2080 do it to a respectable level.

Only a 2080ti can do it at 1080p and this has still only been in show cases.

Whats the point?

It's almost false advertising by Nvidia. :rolleyes:

i meant your prediction that AMD are about to release a hail mary gpu to knock NV off - or even rival NV at the top of the tree.
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