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Silly to buy a 1080ti now??

Well it's quite true isn't it. Presently there isn't any RT happening. Neither games currently and neither can the 2070 or 2080 do it to a respectable level.

Isn't this contradictory, how do we know how well the 2070/2080 can do games raytracing , seeing as you rightly say their isn't any out yet.
Isn't this contradictory, how do we know how well the 2070/2080 can do games raytracing , seeing as you rightly say their isn't any out yet.

All indications are so far that even a 2080Ti is going to struggle at 1080p/60FPS... if that's the case a 2070/2080 won't stand a chance. The most they'll offer is some half baked effects and enhancements. Forget full ray tracing this generation, never gonna happen.
All indications are so far that even a 2080Ti is going to struggle at 1080p/60FPS... if that's the case a 2070/2080 won't stand a chance. The most they'll offer is some half baked effects and enhancements. Forget full ray tracing this generation, never gonna happen.

Yeah, if the Ti struggles between 40 and 50 at 1080p, then the 2080/70, are going to be in the teens, single digits.
Isn't this contradictory, how do we know how well the 2070/2080 can do games raytracing , seeing as you rightly say their isn't any out yet.

It is indeed contradictory at the moment seeing as no games are testable in our hands yet. But from what we know so far it's only the 2080ti that is capable for running RT at 1080p.
We probably won't see proper RT support for 2 or even 3 generations yet. It's certainly not going to get adopted with Nvidia's silly prices on cards which support it.

You'll get a handful of games which support it as a novelty. People will run it for 5 mins and decide they like FPS more.
Nvidia is asking people to put a lot of, Faith, Hope, Belief and Trust in them and their promises, Oh and money. My brother has a 2080 and tries his best to justify his purchase, but he just has nothing to back it up with. I have this gut feeling these cards won't live up to expectations, and implementation into games will be lack lustre and slow, DX12 style. 4K, HDR, are looked on by most gamer's as a bit of a joke, even HD Graphic Packs are often a waste of time and SSD real estate. Most of us have capable Rigs, easily manage 60 fps, 1440p with most of the bells and whistles, what more do you want.
Nvidia is asking people to put a lot of, Faith, Hope, Belief and Trust in them and their promises, Oh and money. My brother has a 2080 and tries his best to justify his purchase, but he just has nothing to back it up with. I have this gut feeling these cards won't live up to expectations, and implementation into games will be lack lustre and slow, DX12 style. 4K, HDR, are looked on by most gamer's as a bit of a joke, even HD Graphic Packs are often a waste of time and SSD real estate. Most of us have capable Rigs, easily manage 60 fps, 1440p with most of the bells and whistles, what more do you want.
Only time will tell.
Companies do make mistakes but I'm still of the opinion that you'd be a fool to believe NV will not pull this off. I'm hopeful the first RT game performs a little better than many are expecting and that DLSS will bring performance boosts too, once it's ACTUALLY implemented :p.
Not sure why your brother has to justify his purchase? I picked up a 2080 instead of a 1080 Ti, hardly any justification needed IMO. Only around £100 extra currently and you get equal performance(slightly better) on average in current games, and future potential too. If the 20 series does end up being a failure and RT is **** for this gen, I won't be crying. £100 is a few nights out and still have a GPU that's a litter better than a 1080 Ti in current games.
I can see why some folks wanted a 1080 TI recently and why others preferred the 2080.
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Only time will tell.
Companies do make mistakes but I'm still of the opinion that you'd be a fool to believe NV will not pull this off. I'm hopeful the first RT game performs a little better than many are expecting and that DLSS will bring performance boosts too, once it's ACTUALLY implemented :p.
Not sure why your brother has to justify his purchase? I picked up a 2080 instead of a 1080 Ti, hardly any justification needed IMO. Only around £100 extra currently and you get equal performance(slightly better) on average in current games, and future potential too. If the 20 series does end up being a failure and RT is **** for this gen, I won't be crying. £100 is a few nights out and still have a GPU that's a litter better than a 1080 Ti in current games.
I can see why some folks wanted a 1080 TI recently and why others preferred the 2080.

"We will get this work, but give us your money now"

Reminds me of kickstarter.
Only time will tell.
Companies do make mistakes but I'm still of the opinion that you'd be a fool to believe NV will not pull this off. I'm hopeful the first RT game performs a little better than many are expecting and that DLSS will bring performance boosts too, once it's ACTUALLY implemented :p.
Not sure why your brother has to justify his purchase? I picked up a 2080 instead of a 1080 Ti, hardly any justification needed IMO. Only around £100 extra currently and you get equal performance(slightly better) on average in current games, and future potential too. If the 20 series does end up being a failure and RT is **** for this gen, I won't be crying. £100 is a few nights out and still have a GPU that's a litter better than a 1080 Ti in current games.
I can see why some folks wanted a 1080 TI recently and why others preferred the 2080.

It is worth paying a little more for having new shiny tech, traditionally I would agree with you. But two things that are off putting is it is only 8gb which for me at 4K is not ideal in some games and the other is, by the time anything meaningful comes out that makes use of the tech, the 30 series will be out. So far the only game I can see that will make decent use of RTX is BF5 really, but you are going to likely need to drop to 1080p or below to play that, which also makes it pointless to me personally.

Saying all that, if that extra £100 makes you feel happier, then it was worth it. No need to justify it to us ;)
DarrenM343.....£100 is a few nights out .......

Those are certainly some cheap nights out. :)
I'm a cheapskate :p
It is worth paying a little more for having new shiny tech, traditionally I would agree with you. But two things that are off putting is it is only 8gb which for me at 4K is not ideal in some games and the other is, by the time anything meaningful comes out that makes use of the tech, the 30 series will be out. So far the only game I can see that will make decent use of RTX is BF5 really, but you are going to likely need to drop to 1080p or below to play that, which also makes it pointless to me personally.

Saying all that, if that extra £100 makes you feel happier, then it was worth it. No need to justify it to us ;)
Not justifying it to you lot - but some might want to consider thinking a similar way rather than continually dragging up the same old talk, that was the point of my detail :D. I suspect the negative sentiment will start changing fairly soon...…..
I'm a cheapskate :p

Not justifying it to you lot - but some might want to consider thinking a similar way rather than continually dragging up the same old talk :D
The only reason I said that is because I have seen you make the same argument multiple times now. My bad :o:D

Your reasoning in this case would make sense to me usually, but this time round, not so much as I explained in my previous post :)

Oh and I am a cheapskate also, proud of it too :D:o:D
The only reason I said that is because I have seen you make the same argument multiple time now. My bad :o:D

Your reasoning in this case would make sense to me usually, but this time round, not so much as I explained in my previous post :)
Fair enough, I must stop trying to convince the currently inconvincible :P, but it's no different than those repeating trhe same negative nonsense.
Fair enough, I must stop trying to convince the currently inconvincible :p, but it's no different than those repeating trhe same negative nonsense.
Don’t let me stop you. Just wanted to chime in and give you my current view point. I say my current view point, as it is something that changes all the time as I get new information or as time passes by. Like I was a lot more hyped about RTX when it was first announced, but currently I feel it is at least a year away, by which time 30 series will be out or close by.
Don’t let me stop you. Just wanted to chime in and give you my current view point. I say my current view point, as it is something that changes all the time as I get new information or as time passes by. Like I was a lot more hyped about RTX when it was first announced, but currently I feel it is at least a year away, by which time 30 series will be out or close by.

Ultimately the new GPU's do need to prove their value which hopefully will fairly soon start happening and will help people make up their minds.

20 series seems to use less memory at the same graphical settings, that's what I found when I did a quick comparison in one game @ 1440P (1070 Ti vs 2080). Think it was about half a gig (4.2 vs 4.7).
I can understand some of the negative sentiment but I think NV also need to be given the benefit of the doubt for the moment. Would be good to start seeing RT and DLSS out there soon though, even I agree with that!
4K is high end monitor, that';s why I've kept with 1440P. I still remember buying a 1440P monitor and then struggling to run it well with the GPU's available at the time. 4K, that;s Titan territory still. NV is marketing all 20 series so far for 4K so will be interesting to see how that works out. DLSS will defiantly give a performance boost where implemented. Will it require less memory too?

Pricing is an issue but it seems that is the basis for 99% of the negativity. Ie, people seem to want them to fail at RT and DLSS because a 2080 is more expensive than a 1080 Ti and of course a 2080 Ti, that everyone wants (partly for the Ti label) is over a grand. NV have definatley stirred things up a bit - they know many wait for the Ti each gen so have given it to them early - for a price :P
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