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Silly to buy a 1080ti now??



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Must admit I'm growing more tempted by the 2080. As a light gamer I'm a little reluctant to buy the 2080 Ti atm (that I initially pre-ordered) and was tempted a little at first by the 1080 Ti (at £599 but reckon that's too high for me) but reckon the 2080 has a bit of both words. As good as the 1080 Ti but with future potential to be a decent amount faster in future games and of course 2.5 years extra R&D and RTX to try out which no doubt will be much better in future GPU generations.
2080 would be a lot more tempting at £650 or less. Right now everything Nvidia are selling is over priced imo.

Once they sell out the remainder of their 1080Ti at full price, I can see the 2080 taking a $100 price cut.
16 Jan 2006
Must admit I'm growing more tempted by the 2080. As a light gamer I'm a little reluctant to buy the 2080 Ti atm (that I initially pre-ordered) and was tempted a little at first by the 1080 Ti (at £599 but reckon that's too high for me) but think the 2080 has a bit of both words. As good as the 1080 Ti but with future potential to be a decent amount faster in future games and of course 2.5 years extra R&D and RTX to try out which no doubt will be much better in future GPU generations.
I keep reminding myself that a 1070 Ti is good enough for now :p.

Light gaming with a 2080? Your wallet will be light
14 Apr 2009
Must admit I'm growing more tempted by the 2080. As a light gamer I'm a little reluctant to buy the 2080 Ti atm (that I initially pre-ordered) and was tempted a little at first by the 1080 Ti (at £599 but reckon that's too high for me) but think the 2080 has a bit of both words. As good as the 1080 Ti but with future potential to be a decent amount faster in future games and of course 2.5 years extra R&D and RTX to try out which no doubt will be much better in future GPU generations.
I keep reminding myself that a 1070 Ti is good enough for now :p.

But the rtx isn't powerful enough. So you'll get to see what's it's all about in your home, but with damaging performance.

So the 1080ti is still far better.
3 Jul 2010
I bought a 1080ti for £499. Used but 30 day return and 1 year warrenty. 2080 just didnt seem worth it. I will use money saved to get 9700k (or 8700k if prices come down) which coming from a 2500k should be a nice jump. Also picked up a samsung 860 SSD so will be moving from a standard HDD as well.

580GTX since it launched, it has served me well.
11 Jun 2003
We don't have any support yet but from the demo's available DLSS provides some great performance increases even at 1440p.

With DLSS the RTX2080 was surpassing standard RTX2080Ti performance so the gap compared to 1080Ti once games have implemented it will probably be pretty big, or at least the potential is there.

We haven't seen the best of these cards yet.

Demos are demos. They’re a perfect world scenario built specifically, and only, for the tech they’re showcasing. Aside from demonstrating potential I don’t believe them to be indicative of how real world games will behave or perform.

It’s still great that NV have created a new push to improving image quality, I really do think it’s awesome. However, I’ve seen how choppy games get when RTX is enabled, and honestly the new metro vids I saw, I preferred the look with it off. So they could indeed change the way games look, and the one two punch of DLSS and RayTracing may revolutionise lighting and AA, but I just don’t think it will be this gen.

Besides, given how NV are bending over their customers with 70% price increases for 30% gains, I’ll be needing that extra £160 for the 2180ti, 7nn, £1,600 card :D I’m sure it’ll be worth the cost though, with all those Rays, DLSS v2.0 and the node shrink, we just gotta pay for that sweet sweet tech y’know. It’s got nothing to do with shareholders, oh no sir, Gigarays are old news, it’s all about Terrarays baby, and supercomputer super sampling super deep learned market penetration. Excuse the pun :p
11 Jun 2003
Surprised all these people jumping on the 1080 Ti cards now didn't buy them like nearly a year ago when they was £649.99 - one years extra use for between £20-£50 lol.

All of a sudden they seem a bargain? Whatever happens Nvidia wins, because people have fallen into the grand scheme of things lol.

Quite, I mentioned this, I think earlier in this thread. It’s quite the coup from Nvidia. Encourage people to hoover up all that old stock, still at a rather tidy profit, then just as it dries up, discover a ‘revolutionary’ way to make Turing cheap enough to appeal to the masses. Drop £100 to £150 and they become bargain of the century, and everyone will forget they’re bending over, parting their cheeks and paying £200 extra for the **80 than they were last gen, which actually offers the same performance as the ageing 1080ti.

Then, out of the darkness, looms the 2100 series, promising terrarays of deep learned market gouging, and shareholders so fattened off soaring profits that they’re permanently fused to their beds, made of discarded leather jackets and the tears of early adopting Nvidia worshippers.

On a more serious note, those of us with this as their core hobby are ultimately boned if we want to enjoy a regular upgrade cycle. Until AMD dedicates rescources to attacking the market like they did with Ryzen, or Intel finally get a gpu product right (which, let’s face it, might as well be a decade away) we’re literally at the mercy of a certain leather jacket touting, AI worshipping, green eyed evil mastermind. Damn you Jensen, you sexy *******.
14 Dec 2016
All the people stating DLSS and Ray Tracing as reason to buy 20xx series are kidding themselves.. these features won't be mainstream for a couple of years.

By the time these features are mainstream this series of cards will be superceded anyhow.

This is exactly Fiji and Vega but from Nvidia, super features that arrive far too early.

Yes there has to be a point in time when they are introduced, however these features should be implemented in a ton of games a year before hardware can make full use of them.

Use a software solution to test while you get the hardware ready etc if possible.

I just find it sad that both AMD and Nvidia are ripping off customers on a promise of features that a) don't have any support yet and b) have no actual real implementation to support the bonuses of these features outside canned demos.

Smoke and mirror promises, if you believe the hype the vendors tell you about their products, it's not like either vendor doesn't have history for lies and bending the truth to sell their products.

I just shake my head that people are willing to fork out £800+ to beta test products that are essentially not finished yet. And then vehemently defend them. It's almost like being brainwashed, but that is PC gaming now, games are sold incomplete and features that should have been there are now added post launch via a season pass etc.

It's just sad this has now filtered down to hardware.. what next? Microtransactions to unlock shaders or features? Sad times :(
15 Oct 2014
Somerset England
DLSS will be worth it though
Again, by the time that rolls out in any significant way we will be onto the next!

I really do feel if you’re buying this generation of early RTX cards you’re just funding Nvidia’s R&D costs (the massive price tag is the give away), but by the time any of these features are mainstream said cards will be old hat.

Think about this, you're handing over £800 - £1200 for cards and then hoping for promised features to arrive at some point, and then kidding yourself that's somehow acceptable.

The £900 I had put aside for a 2080ti (which turned out to not be nearly enough) is going back into my ISA.
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19 May 2012
Must admit I'm growing more tempted by the 2080. As a light gamer I'm a little reluctant to buy the 2080 Ti atm (that I initially pre-ordered) and was tempted a little at first by the 1080 Ti (at £599 but reckon that's too high for me) but think the 2080 has a bit of both words. As good as the 1080 Ti but with future potential to be a decent amount faster in future games and of course 2.5 years extra R&D and RTX to try out which no doubt will be much better in future GPU generations.
I keep reminding myself that a 1070 Ti is good enough for now :p.

The whole 10 series is still so good... but they are just too old to tempt me to buy at present! If I'm buyign them now I should have bought them 12 months ago.
19 Oct 2008
Again, by the time that rolls out in any significant way we will be onto the next!

I really do feel if you’re buying this generation of early RTX cards you’re just funding Nvidia’s R&D costs (the massive price tag is the give away), but by the time any of these features are mainstream said cards will be old hat.

Think about this, you're handing over £800 - £1200 for cards and then hoping for promised features to arrive at some point, and then kidding yourself that's somehow acceptable.

The £900 I had put aside for a 2080ti (which turned out to not be nearly enough) is going back into my ISA.
But that's the way it always is anyway - something better always around the corner.
It's not just DLSS and RTX, some games will favour the new GPU's - DX12 games and vulkan it seems. Time will tell of course whether the new GPU's will pull ahead in new games. I'm fairly sure they will.
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15 Oct 2014
Somerset England
But that's the way it always is anyway - something better always around the corner.
It's not just DLSS and RTX, some games will favour the new GPU's - DX12 games and vulkan it seems. Time will tell of course whether the new GPU's will pull ahead in new games. I'm fairly sure they will.
You hope they will.. by the way im not denying there's always something better around the corner, of course there is! Im trying to highlight that for the insane price increase, gamers should have something tangible to show for it!

Also who on earth is going to run ray tracing enabled games on these cards? the 2080 will choke, and the 2080ti will just about manage it at 1080p, maybe 1440 at a push.

Since consoles dont use Ray tracing or RTX (yet), neither of these are going to be prioritys for developers looking to make big money from their games.

As for DLSS, its going to take quite some time for enough devs to get on board.
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