SimCity V (2013) - screens/artwork and information

The beta videos on the previous page do seem to suggest that this is more 'Sim Village' than SimCity.

Is that just me, or will they actually allow bigger cities to be built..

They will not be any bigger. There is probably two reasons for this: The new road/pipe/power system does not work on larger scales and/or they want to make it as Facebook like to play with friends in a region as possible to try get some suckers to buy it.

I'll hold out and see if/what the addon makers can actually do.
oh man, they really have butchered the series.

The SimVillage idea though fits with their whole Sims package of games so this was always inevitable..
I'm not sure if it was posted, searched for "hour"

FAQ said:
"Everyone will go through our “Getting Started Scenario”, which takes you through the basics of how to play the game and gives you a sneak peak at some late game content. After that, you’re free to start your own city and play for one hour. We’ve given you all the tools to build up a medium density city, given access to the Casino Big Business, all of the basic services, loads of public transportation options, and several options on how you can power your city. You can start up as many cities as you like during the 3 Day event. We encourage you to try to build different types of cities, explore the leaderboards and try to beat the Global Challenge!"

Still, at least you can keep restarting but, 1 hour is nothing to really develop, someone might crack it..who knows.
Well looks like i won't get on the beta, so i'll just have a look at all the videos that get uploaded to youtube instead, see what it's like for real.
City size has been mentioned a few times now.
A kindly beta tester has measured the width of a city block compared to Sim City 4, and found that the 'medium' city size in SC4 (15 blocks) is equal to the largest city in the new version - not too small!
The city in the one-hour beta is equivalent to the 'small' city size in SC4 I believe.

I'm becoming more excited for the game, but the rotten turd on the otherwise delicious cake is still the always-online DRM (for me).
Yeah, DRM is a joke, but the signs were there i guess. Look at BF3, it doesnt even have a game interface, it has a website ffs. Now, i quite like being able to launch from a website, but i also expect a desktop shortcut & in-game menu/interface setup.
Its just EA trying to fight a battle they'll almost always lose eventually, but if it takes 1mo for it to be hacked then a lot of people who want it will become impatient and they'll give in and purchase it.

I dont know how they're meant to protect their work, so i can see sympathy, its just extremely annoying when the protection becomes worthless after a month (if not day1) and it does nothing to protect the game, it just angers the people who've bought it. Surely thats the wrong way around. :(

The better solution (which i absolutely hate, and wouldnt do) is subscription based, which certainly works for online based games, but thats not really what SC is about, or many other games for that matter.
They've tried code books and stuff like that, they got photocopied. Keys got keygens, keys tied to accounts just got software to spoof the server...

Im not condoning it, i just cant think of anything better either, and its not like they havent tried.
City size has been mentioned a few times now.
A kindly beta tester has measured the width of a city block compared to Sim City 4, and found that the 'medium' city size in SC4 (15 blocks) is equal to the largest city in the new version - not too small!
The city in the one-hour beta is equivalent to the 'small' city size in SC4 I believe.

I'm becoming more excited for the game, but the rotten turd on the otherwise delicious cake is still the always-online DRM (for me).

Its not just the size of the tiles though that I've noticed from the videos. It seems or appears that buildings are bigger in the new game when compared to Sim City 4 (might be the art style or that the camera angle was zoomed in) and that combined with the smaller tile sets really makes the cities look more like towns than burgeoning metropolises. That is just the impression I've gotten from videos though and I'll save judgement till people start talking about their experiences.
I think theres probably more to the city size than we're giving them credit. There's probably a few reasons why they've gone for smaller (SC5 size) rather than bigger (SC4 size) such as system minimum specs to ensure people with 5yr old systems can still experience the game fully even with inferior visuals without a huge city grinding the system to a halt.
That seems a fairly obvious one, but one that probably gets overlooked is that i'd imagine they want to you to focus on city specialisations, so cities built to focus on education & technology, dirty industry, tourism, and stuff like that. If you've got a city twice the size then theres the feeling of just sticking it all in the 1 map, its big enough, why buy my electricity from a neighbour, why sell them our oil, just do everything in 1 map.
Its forcing you (against some peoples wishes i guess) to create cities which have a plan, a part to play within the community of small cities, and even if you're mayor of all of them, each one has a roll and they need to work together.
Sure, you can do all that in 1 map, but then its less about establishing what your city can excel in, and just becomes a matter of filling it with everything.
So maybe its a gameplay choice, not everyones favourite decision, but something which helps coordinate better cities. I cant believe they felt smaller cities would be better, there must be logic behind their decision because im sure they could make maps 10x bigger with their engine, but then things like hardware limitations get in the way.

Im sure even if they feel a decent size, we'll always want more, its just how it is, but im sure theres a legit reason for smaller maps even if its not how we'd like it.

So, im assuming nobody here has received a key yet :(

oh, and Maxis saying they're sending emails out in batches today and over the weekend... the weekend?? Its a 3 day test for heavens sake, why couldnt they be sent out on Monday-Thursday for this weekend, why still be sending them half-way through a 3 day test.
Gratz. At least some are getting them, just gotta hope they pull my name out of the hat at some point.

Been sat watching a YT video of some absolute n00b playing it, building 'curved' roads with the straight road tool, filling his city with about 45% Residential, 45% Commercial, 5% industrial, 5% parks :D
Even watching the game with a numpty at the wheel, it still looks a great game.

Does anyone know if they've tried to do any kind of campaign mode? Just been playing Tropico 4 lately and having different goals and limitations makes things a little more interesting, same with Anno. Open play is always tons of fun, and what SC has always done so i cant imagine i've missed news saying they've added it (i'd imagine they'd make it out as a huge new feature).
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