Simple student house etiquette

30 Sep 2005

This has annoyed me greatly. He got in at 10 and is not still in there at 1pm. I don't mind people having long baths as my current house has an downstairs toliet, but not IN THE ******* MORNING! I need a shower, had a night out last night and feel dirty, other people need showers. The morning is not a damn time for a long bath as its the time when everyone will need it. Had to was my face n teeth in the damn kitchen sink!

Worst thing is he'll come out and be all smiley and oblivious to why housemates and myslef will be fuming!

Rant over
afraser2k said:
Possibly, though I think it could be interesting to have an intelligent debate on student house etiquette.

What is student house etiquette? And more to the point what are the chances of getting any students to follow it?

I'm currently living in a shared flat with 5 people that I didn't know before January of this year so if there are any definitive rules then I'd be interested to know :)

Actually though I don't think there is any such thing beyond simple common courtesy that should be extended whenever you are in a shared house environment. E.g. don't leave dishes dirty for days/weeks on end, don't take hours in shower/bath, if you aren't using washing machine/tumble drier then remove your clothes etc. It all comes down to basic common sense and a bit of respect for the people you live with.
afraser2k said:
Possibly, though I think it could be interesting to have an intelligent debate on student house etiquette.

Thankyou I have had a frought morning and I really needed that laugh
The rules I usually follow are.

Don't spend too much time in bathrooms, even if no-one is asking you to get out.
Don't horde things accidentally (eg mugs).
Your under no duty to clean others pans etc, but don't be an **** and leave that one slightly stained plate if your washing a lot of things.
Stealing food is bad :P

One thing I think is the worst (which Mr bath does a lot), is, yes if you must ue someone elses booze or bacon, DON'T use MY good quality stuff and suggest later that I can use your 3for2 tesco value version of anything.

As an update I have knocked repeatedy, first time just to say hurry up, to which the reply was "u could use the downstairs bog if you need it", and subsiquent knocks have simply got "i'll be a few minutes more" :P
Student house etiquette is (I did this) offering to have the smallest room to avoid immature whining from other persons.

As long as I have a bed, a desk and the internet I'll be happy :) Although 3 hours in the bath is pushing it :p

I'm lucky to be fair, we all currently cook for each other and whoever cooks doesnt clean :)

We all share each other things, cups/plates/pans food.

We all go equally into the big 3 weekly shop, but pay for individual items, like myself and my Ocean Spray Cranberry juice and Beer :)

Chores must be split evenly, not made an issue out of as in a rota, but as long as you clean up after yourself there should never need to be a rota system imo.
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Student house etiquette would dictate:

- Not getting so drunk that in the act of taking a leak at 5am, one falls over and smashes head first through the bathroom window.
- Fixing said window within a reasonable timeframe (i.e. not a month and a half)
- Not hiding utility bills from your flatmates until its 2 days before we all get a court summons as they haven't been paid for long.
- Actually cleaning once in a while.
- Not spilling food all over my bedroom floor then leaving it to go mouldy before cleaning it up.
- Putting rubbish out for the binmen to collect, rather than leaving the binbags in the garden.
- Not getting angry and punching a hole in the kitchen wall in rented accomodation
- Not trying to ride a bike indoors and leave black marks all over the walls from the tires.
- Actually paying the phone and internet bill when your other flatmates have given you cash to cover their share, as opposed to not paying a penny since August then denying all knowledge and feigning surprise when its cut off.

I could go on :rolleyes:. Incidentally I've just moved house as my flatmate was such a **** this year....the guy has a drink problem and has turned into a right moron, responsible for all of the above and more. Hence me missing all the debates here in SC about on those cartoons, laughing at Abu Hamza getting locked up, and any jokes about dick cheney shooting someone...
Will said:
Student house etiquette would dictate:

- Not getting so drunk that in the act of taking a leak at 5am, one falls over and smashes head first through the bathroom window.
- Fixing said window within a reasonable timeframe (i.e. not a month and a half)
- Not hiding utility bills from your flatmates until its 2 days before we all get a court summons as they haven't been paid for long.
- Actually cleaning once in a while.
- Not spilling food all over my bedroom floor then leaving it to go mouldy before cleaning it up.
- Putting rubbish out for the binmen to collect, rather than leaving the binbags in the garden.
- Not getting angry and punching a hole in the kitchen wall in rented accomodation
- Not trying to ride a bike indoors and leave black marks all over the walls from the tires.
- Actually paying the phone and internet bill when your other flatmates have given you cash to cover their share, as opposed to not paying a penny since August then denying all knowledge and feigning surprise when its cut off.

I could go on :rolleyes:. Incidentally I've just moved house as my flatmate was such a **** this year....the guy has a drink problem and has turned into a right moron, responsible for all of the above and more. Hence me missing all the debates here in SC about on those cartoons, laughing at Abu Hamza getting locked up, and any jokes about dick cheney shooting someone...

AAAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHH That's nightmare stuff!!! Hope you manage to drop the dead weight and get a better start in the new place :)
The only real problem I'm having with housemates this year (apart from bathroom hoging lol) is that this is her first time away from home although she is a 3rd year, meaning she owes us all quite a bit of money, (usually one person pays the bill and claims off everyone else) and doesn't understand that we can't accept an "i'll pay you soon", we need the money now as this is the real bill-filled world.
she/he will not pay the bills hoping to leave after her/his finals, try and get the money or kick her/him out.

dont pay the bill untill every one has the money, make sure you dont have any bills in your name, make sure you use yourstuff and no one elses. In my time i had cable tv in my room when i was a student, didnt have any bills in my name and when i left i gave the landlord my share of the bill to get my full deposit back.
Here's anotherone:

If you spent all your money in weed, don't come crying to me for food, stop asking to give you my leftovers and don't you dare nick my food again.
pyro said:
Here's anotherone:

If you spent all your money in weed, don't come crying to me for food, stop asking to give you my leftovers and don't you dare nick my food again.

Charge him for tap water. ]:-)
real said:
Exactly. What is the problem?
KingOfAquitaine said:
As an update I have knocked repeatedy, first time just to say hurry up, to which the reply was "u could use the downstairs bog if you need it", and subsiquent knocks have simply got "i'll be a few minutes more" :P
The thread only has about 20 replies so it's not hard work to read them first, is it?
KingOfAquitaine said:

This has annoyed me greatly. He got in at 10 and is not still in there at 1pm.

Is he dead?
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