Simple student house etiquette

trojan698 said:
If she's just moved from her parents, she'll most likely be unfamiliar with communal living. Give her a taste of her own medicine imo, 3 hour bath time!
The question that entered my mind is what was she doing in the bath for 3 hours? Did she not get bored? ;)
Errm, I think it's a bloke. I don't think I could stay in the bathroom for three hours without going insane. You have to ask yourself wtf is he doing in there.
Will said:
Student house etiquette would dictate:

- Not getting so drunk that in the act of taking a leak at 5am, one falls over and smashes head first through the bathroom window.
- Fixing said window within a reasonable timeframe (i.e. not a month and a half)
- Not hiding utility bills from your flatmates until its 2 days before we all get a court summons as they haven't been paid for long.
- Actually cleaning once in a while.
- Not spilling food all over my bedroom floor then leaving it to go mouldy before cleaning it up.
- Putting rubbish out for the binmen to collect, rather than leaving the binbags in the garden.
- Not getting angry and punching a hole in the kitchen wall in rented accomodation
- Not trying to ride a bike indoors and leave black marks all over the walls from the tires.
- Actually paying the phone and internet bill when your other flatmates have given you cash to cover their share, as opposed to not paying a penny since August then denying all knowledge and feigning surprise when its cut off.

You did the right thing getting out mate, you don't need that kind of hassle.

I lived on South Marine Terrace, and a good mate of mine is just totally undomesticated. It turned crazy, rubbish bulding up and things being broken.

The big one when I was at uni was cleaning up after yourself, and theft. If somebody wants their room to be a ****hole fair do's but it isn't fair to leave the kitchen a right mess.

I came back from a weekend with Army club having been bimbling round South Wales and all my bacon and beer was gone. This was 5pm on a Sunday. Maybe I was wrong but I went nuts and smashed their plates.
im just happy if my housemate goes a day without pooing in the bath. no joke...

How long till he reads this i wonder...
My only rule is that if you disturb me at 3am as you come in, i disturb you when i get up for my 9am lecture. Fair is fair :)
Do your own washing up
Do not steal my food, that including Ketchup.
My shower Gel isn't for everyone
Caugh up some money for washing up liquid, those thing don't grow on trees
In my curent digs I keep everything in my room, plates, food, drink, everything.

Its not ideal, but thats what hapens when you house mates get stoned enough that they just don't care any more, all day, every day.
One of my flatmes annoys me so mcuh I sometimes go red in anger and slam my fists on the table. She is so inconsiderate and selfish it is unbeleivable.

We have a big heavy front door with a powerful fire-saftey mechanism which slams it shut. It is only poliite and stnard etiquette to gently close this door when you go out to a club at midnight and when you return at 4 am! Or indeed if you are leaving early to get to a lecture, or go out on a staurday it is polite to gently shut the door to avoid waking half the neighbourhood.

When returning retunring from a night out one does not shout out and giggle and scream waking your flatmates.

She trudges up and down the corridor shuffling a long making as much noise as possible. Lift your god damn feet and walk normally *female dog*

It is not sensible to switch the central heating on full blast and then walk out of th e flat 10 minutes later! So many times i have got back to a flat that is too warm to stay in with no one there, requireing me to open a window to let out the heat!

Conistently switching on the wrong oven (top oven/grill) and baking the grill pan handle for hours wondering why the over isn't getting hot is not clever! Nor is leaving the hob on!

Leaving the TV on in the kitchen is not a great way of saving money!

and thats only the start!!!

Bloody Napier chavs, how in gods name is their a university for people with such a low intelligence???? She really is a credit to the Governemnt to ensure everyone gets to go to uni! Now a degree is entiely useless because mentally rettarded immature brats can get a degree.

(Damn my flatmate for finding her as a repalcement flatmate, (the previous one graduated)
singist said:
Just wondering .............................. has he/she vacated the bathroom yet?

I was seeing a girl once who lived in a flat of psychologically distressed individuals, 2 of whom had comitted suiced in the past. 3 of them would regularly go into the bathrrom, slit their wrists, watch it bleed for an hour and then wrap it in a towel and walk out leaving a bath stained red in blood and blood dripped all down the corrdor.

I had no idea it was so common. I guess we have to thank the uni for putting like minded individuals together in frsher accomodation!

Yeah, so maybe they are slitting the wrists as contrl thing, or some other disturbed things.
AthlonTom said:
In my curent digs I keep everything in my room, plates, food, drink, everything.

Its not ideal, but thats what hapens when you house mates get stoned enough that they just don't care any more, all day, every day.

Ah this brings back memories :)
Use the loo roll like a normal person, wrapping half the roll around your hand to do your business is just stupid. Getting through a 16 pack of loo roll a week between 5 people is not normal.
our 2nd year house was a 2-up 2-down terrace that that landlord had converted to sleep 6 - it was cramped to say the least.

this was the worst year of my uni life. One housemate was totally inconsiderate. he wouldnt catch any of the firedoors when they closed, meaning deafening bangs through the day/night.

he then moved his girlfriend in for 6 months and didnt offer any extra toward the bills for her usage of everything. What topped it off was coming downstairs to shower before a lecture to find them both in our one and only bath/shower!!

Needless to say he wasnt invited to join us in our 3rd year house!
thebrasso said:
You did the right thing getting out mate, you don't need that kind of hassle.

Yup, glad to be in PJM now, much nicer, new flatmates are all cool as well :)

Found out today, the estate agent has taken my side and is willing to let me off much of the rent that legally I should still have to pay until the end of the tenancy agreement - by making my idiot flatmate responsible for paying my share as well (so £520 per month), and if he does not agree to this or does not find another tenant to take my place, will be given a weeks notice to vacate the flat :D.

Sounds cruel of me to be amused by that but sometimes its good when people get whats coming to them, especially when they've caused you a lot of hassle :)
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