Hamish said:
Us too, we have a joint bank account and we buy all our food and stuff together, saves loads of money and effort compared to cooking for yourself. We don't even have roters for cleaning or anything, people just get on with it.
One of our flatmates fails to cook microwave food and is so ilierate she can't read instustruction... "Cover tortias in tin-foil and place in an oven at 180*C for 5 minutes, or place on a microwave proof dish for 30 seconds on high power" Guess what happens when you tattemp both and place tinfoil in the microwave.
This is the same person who used a knife to get a muffin out of a toaster when it was switched on *BANG*!
The other flatmet cooks up dog food. His idea of cooking is to boil a chicken breast with a small ammount of pepper, or maybe chicken breast with a small ammount of carrot, or maybe leak- but never combing more than one vegetable, no seasoning, no herbs, no sauce....
Previous flatmates have struggled to cook super noodles and ate take-aways every single night.
Even the best cooking flatmate I have had would have made sharing cooking impossible. We had entirely different ideas of what to cook, would eat at entirely different times and would barely be in the flat at the same moment each day.
One flatmate, the other endless cups of tea. drinks nothing but oranage squash, I drink coffee or real orange juice. The guy hates rice and I love it, he hates spicy food or italian food or stirfrys etcc, I love them. I eat at 6pm he eats 9pm.
Sharinbg cooking and food is more orless impossible unless you find clones of yourslef to live with. Its the small things, like cereals- every likes different kinds (I'm not going to pay ahsre of kellogs cocoa pops!, ANd the milk, people use different milks, I personally hate milk and use it sparingly on cerelas. My flat mates drink it by the pint.
Just makes no sense.