Six dead in Quebec Mosque terror attack

16 Jun 2005
In the middle
I think the mods needs to come up with a policy regarding fake news. If a forum members posts a link to a news site, fair enough.....however, if they simply post a link to an image hosted on a third party site I think it should carry a two day ban.

It was the new 'in thing' last year, but come on it's 2017 already!

Look, I can do it too...those cheap 1080s ocuk were selling last week!


Surely that would be the case with twitter, reddit, even mainstream news sites have their own agendas...
4 Feb 2006
i don't trust any of the mainstream media tbh (or twitter for that matter). you're likely to get a better picture of what's going on by look at as many sources as possible and drawing your own conclusion. i mean, the bbc actually went this far...


The above article cannot be found anywhere on the BBC website.That pic isn't even the actual shooter in the Munich Mall incident and the name Hanz is wrong too. I suspect it is a fake twitter photoshop as usual. This is why early reports should be taken with a pinch of salt.

The actual shooter was Ali David Sonboly, a teenager of Iranian decent:
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Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
RIP to all those dead and my sympathies to the families affected. I absolutely condemn such acts, whichever "side" they are from and aimed at.
30 Apr 2006
The above article cannot be found anywhere on the BBC website.That pic isn't even the actual shooter in the Munich Mall incident and the name Hanz is wrong too. I suspect it is a fake twitter photoshop as usual. This is why early reports should be taken with a pinch of salt.

The actual shooter was Ali David Sonboly, a teenager of Iranian decent:

The fact that it's taking a long time to identify the caught attackers indicates to me that they of middle-eastern decent and they trying to keep it quite for a long as possible in order to try to spin it away
25 Mar 2008
Does it? I sometimes post links to the Guardian, but I regard the Guardian as trash par excellence. So rather than engage in petty ad hominem, why don't you address the substance of the post?
I wasn't talking to you, or quoting posts of yours. In fact, you don't appear to have contributed to this thread before, which is a bit strange...

Nevertheless - maybe you have 2 accounts or whatever - you may well post Guardian links, but, as you say, you dismiss that site out of hand.

It remains clear which sites you visit and then do not dismiss so willingly.

In terms of whether or not, once all the post-truth fake news gets stripped away from what you've posted, any substance remains to be addressed, I guess we'll see.
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3 Aug 2008
Bath, England
I wasn't talking to you, or quoting posts of yours. In fact, you don't appear to have contributed to this thread before, which is a bit strange...

Nevertheless - maybe you have 2 accounts or whatever - you may well post Guardian links, but, as you say, you dismiss that site out of hand.

It remains clear which sites you visit and then do not dismiss so willingly.

In terms of whether or not, once all the post-truth fake news gets stripped away from what you've posted, any substance remains to be addressed, I guess we'll see.

hello mr cnn
13 Apr 2013
La France
Here's a handy rule for all terrorist activities reported by the media:

The longer that suspect information is withheld, the more chance that this information contains inconvenient truths as far as the media is concerned..

If the suspects in the Quebec Mosque attack had been caucasian and had shouted "Canada First" during the attack, it would have been global headline news within the hour.
30 Jul 2013
Here's a handy rule for all terrorist activities reported by the media:

The longer that suspect information is withheld, the more chance that this information contains inconvenient truths as far as the media is concerned..

If the suspects in the Quebec Mosque attack had been caucasian and had shouted "Canada First" during the attack, it would have been global headline news within the hour.

OR in reality:

Any decent media site will ensure they have verifiable news before posting it.

Whereas that racist twitter guy can post whatever BS he wants.

Is it vital a terrorist actually kills someone before being considered a threat? Is maiming or serious injury inadequate...? What are the statistics if the ultimate act of murder as a marker is reduced to maimed or injured?

The point is that it would have to be a "terror attack"

Not some random Iranian accidently killing somebody in a car accident, which I am sure has happened
25 Mar 2008
Is it vital a terrorist actually kills someone before being considered a threat? Is maiming or serious injury inadequate...? What are the statistics if the ultimate act of murder as a marker is reduced to maimed or injured?
Good point. Maybe the consideration should be, "How scared is Chris Wilson of this particular group of people".

Or have you got a better metric that could prove or, in this case more likely disprove the legitimacy of these knee jerky fear-based policies?
29 Jan 2008
And what exactly is the issue with the chart?

It means number of citizens killed in the U.S by the way.

Where does it state that and where are the sources? At the moment it is just as dodgy as the supposed BBC picture.

For example what do the figures for Egypt refer to? The lead 911 hijacker was Egyptian...

Can you actually back it up or are you falling into the trap of defending 'alternative facts' that you like?
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Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
Here's a handy rule for all terrorist activities reported by the media:

The longer that suspect information is withheld, the more chance that this information contains inconvenient truths as far as the media is concerned..

If the suspects in the Quebec Mosque attack had been caucasian and had shouted "Canada First" during the attack, it would have been global headline news within the hour.

A few years ago I heard something which I have tested on several occasions and often appears to be correct. In the first few minutes of a breaking story various rumours spread. Some are false but some are true. Then the authorities get control of the situation and either release no information or more likely release an official version of the story which sometimes differs from actual events. Much later it is discovered that the rumours were true. I've watched this happen a few times. The most notable was Charles de Menzes where early rumours turned out to be true.

Another thing I always do when big stories break is to look for smaller stories that the government takes the opportunity to release while everyone is looking at the main story.
30 Jul 2013
For balance:

However, there have been at least three non-deadly attacks in which the perpetrators were from Iran or Somalia, said John Mueller, a political scientist at Ohio State University, expert on terrorism and a senior fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute.

One of those examples includes the November 2016 attack at Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who had lived in Pakistan before coming to the United States. Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, was shot dead by a police officer after he slammed his car into pedestrians and injured others with a butcher knife. The FBI said it would investigate the attack as a "potential act of terrorism."

He grew up in Pakistan and moved to the United States at the age of 14

In September 2016, Dahir Adan was shot dead after stabbing nine people in a Minnesota shopping mall. Adan was identified by his father as Somali (but he was actually born in Kenya), moving to the United States when he was a child.

He moved to the United states at the age of 2

Another incident was in 2006, when Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar ran a Jeep Cherokee into a crowd of people at his alma mater, the University of North Carolina. Thinking he would be killed during the attack, Taheri-Azar left a letter in his apartment saying he wanted revenge for the deaths of Muslims across the world caused by the United States, the AP reported. A naturalized citizen born in Iran, Taheri-Azar in 2008 plead guilty to nine counts of attempted first-degree murder and was sentenced for up to 33 years in prison.

He moved to the United States at the age of 2.
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