Sky will absorb the Openreach fee if a customer is at fault?
Yes. They no longer read out a mandatory statement for the charges. Even if its the customer at fault, charges wont be applied to them.
Sky will absorb the Openreach fee if a customer is at fault?
The Openreach Engineer may moan and gripe about it but he should put the master socket wherever you want it as long as it is safe to do so. The Sky Engineer will only do the TV.
Have you restarted the router? The info pages don't update the sync speeds until you reboot, so if you have had a new install it may be showing the line sync speeds from the day of go live when you had an open DLM profile, now the line has settled you may be achieving the speeds you're suppose to, however the router may be displaying the old stats. Reboot it and see if it still says 39999
Router Statistics
System Up Time: 03:00:58
Broadband Link Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 39994 kbps 10000 kbps
Line Attenuation 13.2 dB 0.0 dB
Noise Margin 18.9 dB 24.24 dB
Shouldnt really have to, not sure if this would solve the speed issue?
You shouldn't have to, the Sky router should give you full speeds, even on it's crappy 100mb ports, however you should want to switch to the Asus, they're superior in every single aspect and you'll find a lot of people in this thread have them.
Both the SR101 and SR102 are both Wireless N routers, so why do you need the talktalk router for Wireless N?
Do you have a white SR101 connected to a white Openreach modem which goes to the master socket, or do you have the newer black SR102 which goes direct to the master socket?
Yep had it now 2 months and shows the below;
Just a very poor show. Had Talk Talk full 80Mbps saw the full speed via WiFi and Ethernet using Wireless N equipment.
Dont get it, wish I never moved over.
From the drop down for mode, leave it as auto, then the Wireless N is available
40/10 profile.