What's the max upload speed on fibre unlimited? Can't seem to find it. Cheers
Is Sky acting flaky today? I'm getting lots of page stalls. Youtube is really bad. Never had this before.
Looks like my Pro trial upgrade happened sometime today even though I wasn't aware of it even going down.
Rate - Upstream (Kbps):18514
Line Rate - Downstream (Kbps):75812
The down is about 10Mbits more than I was expecting so well chuffed!
Hmm, how do you manage that? I get 37.xx.
Connection Speed 40000 kbps 10000 kbps
Line Attenuation 23.7 dB 0.0 dB
Noise Margin 13.3 dB 7.7 dB
What is your line attenuation?
Just cancelled my 38/10 11ms after being perfect from the start then after a couple of months and a few Openreach visits later it gradually deteriorated to 24/3 40ms.
Line was capable of 92/28 shame really was good when working correctly.
I don't know what any of this means - what constitutes high and whether high is bad or good.
The speedtest results are odd though - max down is 38Mbps and up is 17Mbps.
EDIT: speedtest is clearly borked as I am testing download rate from Steam and am getting around 8MB/sec.
How far in the contract were you when you cancelled? My cousin is having very bad problems with his sky connection and wants to leave