I tried a new tactic, I rang sky again last week and got the same similar offer Sky Q 2TB , 2x minis, broadband Fibre Max
This time they offered £129 install fee and and extra £15 to install it on Sunday 14th OCT
I thought OK ( I can't deal with my Freesat box anymore the GUI and EPG do my head in ) so I bought it... they waived the weekend install fee.
Couple of days later the price dropped online to £59 for the same package albeit a £200+ install fee online
I rang sky and they intermediately dropped my monthly sub to £59 install still going ahead on the 14th Oct
Anyway a day later I rang them and told them I had changed my mind. I wanted to cancel the install, my circumstances had changed and I could no longer afford the subscription and best to cancel before activation.
They dropped my subscription again to £51 Sky Q 2TB , 2x minis, broadband Fibre Max and I said that might be manageable if they could refund my install fee of £129
A quick chat to supervisor and hey presto a refund of £129 to my credit card and new sub of 51 per month.
So this sunday:
Sky Q 2TB ,
2x minis,
Broadband Fibre Max
£51 per month
£0 install charge
Finally happy.