Hi folks,
Just a quick post to say hello and also to correct some misunderstandings...
As has been said already, this update is happening and is being sent to all the DRX890, DRX895 and DRX595 STBs.
It has already been installed on DRX895s and not exclusively for the DRX890.
Using your Sky remote control, you press <services> 0 3 and this will display the details for your STB. Please click this link for details on what you have:
I aim to keep that table up to date with what is happening. It may occasionally be a few days out as I only have a DRX890 and DRX895 myself, so I rely upon reports from others.
For the DRX890 & DRX895 owners, if the firmware is R005.053.70.15P or earlier, then you do not currently have the latest firmware, but it will be delivered soon. Interestingly, if you have an earlier version, then please do perform the forced update. A few boxes missed this one and are still on .11P or .12P. Currently the latest version is not on the "DR Stream" so a forced update will not get this version at the moment.
The current version being rolled out (R006.058.60.00P) is appearing on the DRX89x and DRX595 STBs. It will take around 2 months to complete to staggered roll out.
Sky stagger the roll outs in case someone missed something major that is only picked up once the firmware goes public. There are literally millions of people who have one or more of these specific STBs.
If you do have the latest firmware and have a problem, there are a few threads on the forums I mostly haunt where people can discuss these. I know many are members of those forums, so please feel free to join in. If you want to start a new one here, send me a quick PM with a link and I shall try to look into it. If you could keep similar issues to one thread, it would be helpful.
Ok, so someone asked about the new Eco mode and how well that works...
Quite well now. There were teething problems during the testing, but these have been identified and resolved.
Essentially the STB goes into 'deep sleep' some time after 1am and comes out of 'deep sleep' before 6am on most occasions.
If there are any planned recordings during this time, the STB will come out of 'deep sleep' and go into 'standby'. The recording will then take place and if it isn't too late, it may go into 'deep sleep' again.
The same is true if there is a planned overnight update for the firmware or if the STB is scheduled to record items for the Showcase section.
There is no published schedule for the Showcase recordings, so they can be aired anytime of the day or night. Public updates tend to occur between 1am or 4am. This has the least impact on Sky's customers.
There is also some important news for owners of the Thomson models of the Sky+ HD STB. Those who own one should have received a letter by now. It give you the opportunity to upgrade to a DRX890 for free and also offer the opportunity to grab some WiFi Adaptors (Sky's Media Bridge).
My advice: GRAB IT! GRAB IT ALL!
The adaptors might not be the fastest thing for networking, but they will suffice for the CUTV and On Demand sections. Personally mine are both connected to 1Gbit switches as Ethernet is far more stable where I live.
I understand that there are some changes coming which will render the old Thomson STBs useless for watching Sky TV soon. This will not happen for at least a couple of months.