Sleep Paralysis

22 Dec 2010
Who else regularly has this?

I probably have it every other month or so.

I usually end up shouting almost to try and wake myself up/get my partner to wake me up.

Horrible experience.
Not had it for a few months now, but i did go through a period where i had it every second night or so, for around 2 weeks, its awful. OFten had it 2-3 times a night as well, just drifting off to sleep then BAM, it hits you.

Think it was mostly stress related, it must have been, as i have been fine for a few months now, but the worst thing is, you dont even know you're stressed :S
Luckily I haven't had it myself for a while either.

Went through a very strange period of not being able to sleep more than an hour at a time. Would fall asleep, wake up practically an hour later and that was an endless cycle until it was time to wake up.

I am now taking Amiltriptyline at nights to help me sleep. I now sleep through, thankfully, however they make me feel god awful in the mornings.
Only ever had it once. Absolutely terrified, my mind started racing thinking about spending the rest of my life paralysed. Suffering from it that regularly must be horrid :(
I had this about 10 years ago. I was 21 years old at the time and was going through a very stressful period in my life.

It happened quite frequently and was extremely frightening. At the time I genuinely believed I would die :(

Thankfully, I've become more accustomed to dealing with stress and no longer have this happen to me :-)
Yep it's horrible. Had it as a kid and was convinced someone was on top of me. There is actually an old wives tale that its a little old lady trying to strangle children in their sleep..... Spooky!
Haven't had it since I stopped clubbing and caining it excessively, but it did indeed suck balls.
What on earth is it?

Is this where you fall asleep on your arms and cant move due to them being dead? Or am I being ignorant?
I've had it happen to me occasionally. Usually only lasts for a matter of seconds, but its a very jarring experience. Almost feels like I'm dying. A horrible sensation of paralysis and not being able to breath. Then my body relaxes when I realise I'm fine and I wake up properly.
What on earth is it?

Is this where you fall asleep on your arms and cant move due to them being dead? Or am I being ignorant?

Basically, your brain wakes up before the rest of your body does, so you are aware, but paralyzed.
Yes if its what i imagine it to be.

Cant move your body at all, but can look around the room. Try to make yourself wake up but is incredibly difficult.

The methods i used to use to take me out of it no longer work.

When i eventually do come around I'm normally soaked in sweat and my heart is thumping.
I get this quite regularly now in the night, You are conscious, but cant move and it feels like the is someone like in your face but you cant check.
Its ****
But i kind of don't realise it happens by morning because i just dismiss it.
Happens when im really tired i find
Used to suffer from it quite regularly, terrifying when it happens. It was usually accompanied by some form of auditory hallucination. Haven't suffered in about ten years I'm glad to say. It seemed to take an immense physical effort to break the paralysis, I was always terrified I wouldn't be able to.
I've only ever had this happen to me once and I nearly cacked myself :eek:

I woke up up one night after having a really scary dream and felt as though there was someone in the room with me sitting on my chest. I couldn't even move my head to look down. I thought I was going to have to change the sheets that night :D
I’ve suffered it for years. I first recall the behaviour on a morning some 18 years ago lying on the sitting room floor of a friends girlfriends. I awoke but without any ability to move and within seconds (or what felt like seconds) I realised I was not breathing. Although my senses at the time told me I was physically raging inside to move, it was pretty much hallucinatory as others have stated. In the 18 years since I perhaps experienced the behaviour some 20 or so times.

I actually experienced a bout last night, while I stayed at my mother’s empty house. I came too laying on my side with my face mostly buried into a pillow. My immediate thoughts and thinking were of suffocation, followed by the realisation that “no” it was just sleep paralysis.

Not fun.
Never happened to me.

I do get this thing sometimes, this sudden falling sensation that lasts a split second but wakes me up and is a bit scary.
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