small girlie problem

27 Sep 2004
Just in need of some quick advice.

Here's the story:
I see this girl on most days at the bus stop in the morning, when I'm off to college. In the past we've made eye contact, you know the nice kind. On friday I plucked up the courage to go over and talk to her while waiting on my bus, she seemed a very nice person, I told her I liked her, and she offered me her phone number without hesitation, and told me to text her sometime. I asked "are you sure you would want me to" and she said yeah. She asked me questions and we chatted fur a couple of minutes, I wasnt really sure what to say after that...being shy. So, I topped up my phone, and texted (spl?) her on friday night, and I've still had no reply, I also included my email address in that text, incase she didn't have any credit in her phone.

Just wondering, what should I do now? Forget about her and move on? Should I wait a while and then phone?

The thing is, I finished college on friday, it was my last day, but I can still go back in on monday, I kinda need to, to make sure everythings done, and get some forms. So should I go back up and talk to her and ask why she hasnt texted me?

Thanks :)
just say "hey there did you get my text?" Could be a simple network problem or maybe shes got no credit. Or is that just the excuses they use for me.. hmm
Although she could have changed her mind, it would be a good idea to talk to her if you have the opportunity, just for peace of mind. Perhaps she accidently gave you the wrong number - there's no harm in checking, anyway.
You texted her. That was the wrong thing to do. You should have called, it would almost certainly have had a better response.

Leave it a few days and if there is no reply, give her a call.
maybe she has no credit to reply with?
Anyway, its the weekend, she is a student (yes?) so dont read anything into no response.
Just go and talk to her!
Send her a little polite chasing-up text, just to see where you stand. I suggest something like, "OMG y u nt replied yet?! 4t u sed u lyked me. Hope 2 c u on bus so we can av butseks on back seat lol tb"
divine_madness said:
Get on the bus, get it out and just lay it on her lap. :cool:

Aahahaha, fantastic :cool:

Ring her 2.30ish tommorow morning, breathing down the phone, tell her you want her to ride on the BUS OF LOVEE. Or something*

*Don't actually do this.
txting great if you only messin with a girl, give me a 5 text msgs and on the 6 there will be a pic of her with it. But if you actually like this girl i would deffo ring her.
MJ said:
txting great if you only messin with a girl, give me a 5 text msgs and on the 6 there will be a pic of her with it. But if you actually like this girl i would deffo ring her.

Wow, that's some return. Do you find "tb" on the end works? I'm seeing mixed results.
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