Smashed A Window @ Footy, Where do I stand!

wouldn't pay for it, they should be insured for this and if not its their problem. If the window keeps getting broken then they should board it up or supply higher fencing.

If your not sure a simply vist to your CAB would answer your question
fini said:
So they claim on insurance again and again and again as each and every week you smash the same window - meanwhile their premium rises and rises and rises. Why should they have to pay for your mistake?

They're the ones that haven't thought out the positioning of the windows to the pitch. Screw em, they can claim on insurance and then pay to cover their windows with steel mesh. They should've done that with the huge grant they'll have received from the Lottery fund.
I would be asking to see the rules of the place which states why people should have to pay ?

It's not criminal damage as that has two elements really, intent : No, and recklessness : No.

They have no covers over the windows and it is an astroturf pitch where people kick balls around.

My second word may have been off.
I don't think you should pay. It's hardly a 'mistake' on your half, simply an accident and something that obviously wasn't considered very well by the people hiring out the sports center.

I think it would be extremely unfair on you, especially as you were honest and all.

They are at fault as much as you in this.
I've got the answer - Ring Jose Mourinho. He'll probably argue that it was more the fault of the window than the ball, in fact the window probably baited the ball just by being there and before you know it you'll end up blameless! :p
Gilly said:
They should've done that with the huge grant they'll have received from the Lottery fund.

So true

Our local kick about pitch was replaced with a basketball court that
had Adidas backboards and was all repainted so the chavs could write
their names on a fresh new surface

Baz loves Keisha

And Kelly Smith's a **** apparently :rolleyes:
Of course you shouldn't have to pay for it.

You weren't having a kickabout on the street, you paid £18 and it was their responsibility to ensure either the nets were higher or their windows were stronger.

You were right to report it to reception, but you were wrong to say you did it. You should have said "excuse me, it appears one of your windows is smashed." (golden rule: never admit liability!)

It might be best if you just pay for the damages, or you might end up having to find a new place to play. And then you should kick yourself for admitting you kicked the ball!
you done the right thing reporting it mate !
id ask to see their policy.
by the way... when you book do you have to sign anything for liability of damage to yourslef, or the pitch ?
like a ' by signing here you agree to the terms and conditions ... '
Gilly said:
I wouldn't pay it.

The centre and the school must've considered these kinds of incidents when agreeing to open up to the public. They pay out for damages that occur through normal use, ie not misuse of provided equipment.

Nah, I wouldn't want to be paying for that kind of thing.

You pay enough to hire . They must have known this kid of thing was going to happen.
G|mp said:
So true

Our local kick about pitch was replaced with a basketball court that
had Adidas backboards and was all repainted so the chavs could write
their names on a fresh new surface

Baz loves Keisha

And Kelly Smith's a **** apparently :rolleyes:
Well according to our local grafittoist, "John Mountford is a sqeeling grass. FACT".
Dunno if I'm of much help here...

I broke a window from my school a couple of years back after kicking a ball too hard. I admitted fault although my head of year happened to be watching at the time so I couldn't get away tbh :p (I was probably jinxed by my art teacher, half an hour earlier, who told me that my uber toe-punts will break a window one day :o). The pitch was right next to the school building and I was informed not to worry about it. The school has insurance to cover such accidents.

I was a student at the school at the time so I guess they couldn't care less, not sure if your circumstances would be different but at the end of the day, the sports building is part of the school and you should consult the school rather than a supervisor who is most likely hiring the sports hall. Be honest to the school as they will most likely be covered for insurance. That supervisor is probably covering himself and made that comment to you.
It may not be criminal damage but it is trespass to their property which you've admitted. The damage is clear so if they wanted to they could pursue you.

Best bet is to find out about insurance and if it's not covered or they want you to pay the excess then offer half and get your mates to chip in for the half you're paying.
kitten_caboodle said:
I've got the answer - Ring Jose Mourinho. He'll probably argue that it was more the fault of the window than the ball, in fact the window probably baited the ball just by being there and before you know it you'll end up blameless! :p

From your discription it sounds a lot like a place I know (Fowey leisure centre?)

if it was there it must have been a spooner :p :D

on a serious note I think you should just pay it (if you kick up stink you may find yourself in their bad books and not be able to book again :( )
If you genuinely weren't aware of their policy on this sort of thing then chances are they haven't got it in a visible place etc which means they don't have a legal leg to stand on.

Ask the bloke to point out where it says you have to pay for damage as a result of playing football. If it's anywhere else than where you handed over the money or isn't clear and obvious then tell him to get lost.
I would own up, and offer the money for replacement. As has been said, It was you that broke it, so it should be paid for by no one else. It will make you look better in their eyes.

Thats what i would do :)
great advice said:
That'll be 16 then :cool:

me = 1 so...

1 + 15 = 16

16/2 = 8 :)

Not very 'great advice' ehh? :p

With regards to the window I wouldn't pay it. Not asif they've got your bank details and charge you is it?
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